Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

516: From Which Direction To Break Through?

"In your opinion, from which direction should we break through?" the criminal police captain asked.

Qi Lin thought for a moment, "We need to start with the victim's social relationships, especially those who have financial dealings with him. At the same time, we need to pay close attention to his competitors to see who has the ability and motivation to commit such a crime."

In the next few days, Qi Lin and the criminal police team conducted a large number of investigations and visits. They analyzed in detail the victim's living habits, dietary preferences, and his social relationships. In the process, they discovered some interesting clues.

"Qi Lin, look at this." The criminal police captain came over with a report, "The victim had close contact with a man named Li Junjie one week before the incident." 22 "Li Junjie?" Qi Lin He took the report and looked at it carefully, "What is his background?"

"He is the CEO of a small company and has some financial dealings with the victim. It is said that they had a fierce quarrel before the crime." The criminal police captain explained

Qi Lin nodded, "It seems that Li Junjie is highly suspicious. We need to investigate him immediately."

After some careful arrangements, Qi Lin and the criminal police captain came to Li Junjie's company with evidence and an arrest warrant. They walked straight into Li Junjie's office, only to find it empty.

"No, he ran away!" the criminal police captain shouted.

Qi Lin looked calm, "It doesn't matter, he can't run away." He picked up the phone on the table and dialed a number, "Hey, is this the Public Security Bureau? Please put Li Junjie on a nationwide wanted list immediately."

A few hours later, Li Junjie was captured by the police while trying to flee the city. After interrogation, he confessed to his crime. It turned out that he carefully planned the poisoning case because of his financial dispute with the victim. He used his knowledge of the victims to poison through the food chain in an attempt to put the blame on others. However, his plan was eventually discovered by Qi Lin.

"Qi Lin, you are awesome!" The criminal police captain patted him on the shoulder, "You solved another major case for us."

Qi Lin smiled lightly, "This is just my job. The real heroes are the criminal police officers who maintain social justice and order." He looked at Li Junjie who was being taken away in front of him, with a firm light in his eyes, "No matter what, crime They will all be punished as they deserve.”

Qi Lin was sitting on the chair in the office, tapping his fingers on the table, thinking a lot. This animal trafficking case has troubled him for many days. He has been looking for clues, but has no clue. He knew that in order to solve this case, there must be a new breakthrough.

Suddenly, the phone rang, breaking the 297 tranquility of the office. Qi Lin picked up the phone and heard the voice of his subordinate: "Mr. Qi, we have a new clue!"

"Say." Qi Lin's spirit perked up.

"During our investigation, we discovered that there is a man named Li Gang who often visits major zoos and pet shops, and takes away a large amount of cash every time he appears." The subordinates were excited in their words.

"Li Gang?" Qi Lin muttered the name silently and said after thinking for a moment, "You should investigate him immediately. I want to know all his information."

A few hours later, his subordinate contacted Qi Lin again: "Mr. Qi, we have found Li Gang's address and contact information.

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