"Very good, let's take action immediately." Qi Lin said, picked up his coat and walked out of the office.

They soon arrived at Li Gang's residence. This is a remote rental house. The door is closed and no one seems to be at home. Qi Lin signaled to his subordinates to knock on the door, but received no response.

"It seems that we came at the wrong time." Qi Lin frowned, thinking about the next action plan. Suddenly, he noticed a trash can next to the door, which was filled with hair and feces of various animals. He knelt down and inspected it carefully, then stood up and said to his subordinates, "You stay here and continue to monitor, while I go to the laboratory."

In the laboratory, Qi Lin conducted a detailed analysis of the collected samples. He found that the hair and feces of these animals came from different species, and they were huge in number. This made him more convinced of his guess: Li Gang was an animal trafficking criminal.

Qi Lin returned to the rental house and found that his subordinates had contacted the owner and learned that Li Gang would be back in the evening. They decided to wait and wait for Li Gang to appear.

As night fell, footsteps finally came from outside the rental house. Qi Lin and his subordinates immediately became vigilant and clenched their weapons. The door was slowly pushed open, and a tall man with a ferocious face walked in, it was Li Gang.

"Who are you? Why did you break into my home~?" Li Gang shouted loudly and stepped back.

"We are the police. You are suspected of selling animals. Please come with us now." Qi Lin said majestically.

"Trading animals? I don't know anything!" Li Gang tried to quibble.

"Stop pretending, we already have sufficient evidence." Qi Lin waved his hand, and his subordinates immediately stepped forward to subdue Li Gang.

In the police station, Li Gang finally confessed his crime. It turns out that he is a greedy animal trafficking criminal who buys rare animals from all over the country and then sells them at high prices through the black market. In order to cover up his crime, he deliberately chose to rent a house in a remote place and never interacted with his neighbors.

"Do you know how big a crime you have committed? These animals are rare species, and some are even on the verge of extinction. Your behavior not only destroyed the ecological balance, but also violated the law." Qi Lin angrily reprimanded.

"I know I was wrong, please let me go." Li Gang knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

"Let you go? What about the animals you trafficked? They have lost their freedom and living space." Qi Lin said coldly.

In the end, Li Gang was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment and fined millions of yuan. This animal trafficking case was also successfully resolved. Qi Lin and his team once again demonstrated their superb detective skills and determination to protect the ecological environment.

This was a tree-cutting case that occurred in a woods on the outskirts of the city. According to the reporter, at midnight last night, someone took advantage of the darkness to cut down dozens of trees and then quickly fled the scene.

Qi Lin first came to the scene for investigation. He saw that the trees were cut down very neatly, and it was obvious that professional felling tools were used. Moreover, the traces at the scene were also cleaned up, and Li Zhaohao (Li Zhaohao) did not leave any useful clues.

"...It seems that this hacker is very professional and has strong anti-investigation capabilities." Qi Lin said to himself.

He returned to the office and began to analyze the case. Based on the situation at the scene, he believed that the hacker must have a purpose and a very careful plan. He decided to start from two aspects. On the one hand, he visited nearby residents, and on the other hand, he investigated nearby wood processing plants.

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