He first came to a nearby residential area and began to visit house to house. He asked residents if they heard the sound of felling last night and if they saw any suspicious people or vehicles. However, residents said they did not notice anything unusual.

"This is really a difficult case." Qi Lin thought to himself.

He came to a nearby wood processing factory and began an investigation. He discovered that this wood processing factory had recently purchased a new batch of felling tools, and the workers in the factory also denied going to the site last night.

The clue seemed to be broken here, and Qi Lin began to feel a little helpless. He sat in his office, staring at the case documents in a daze. Suddenly, he remembered something and picked up the phone.

"Hey, is this the Forestry Bureau? I'm Detective Qi Lin. I want to ask 417 if a felling permit has been approved recently. 27 he asked.

"Yes, we have just approved a felling permit in the woods on the outskirts of the city." A voice came from the other end of the phone.

"As expected." Qi Lin was overjoyed. He finally found a breakthrough.

He immediately contacted his assistants and asked them to investigate the applicant for the logging permit. After some setbacks, they finally found the applicant, a person named Li Ming. Li Ming, the owner of a small construction company, applied for a felling permit to obtain wood to build houses.

Qi Lin and his assistants found Li Ming's company and questioned him. At first, Li Ming insisted that he applied for the logging permit legally and did not do anything illegal. However, when Qi Lin presented the evidence, his attitude began to change.

"Our investigation found that the felling permit you applied for only allowed you to cut down one tree but in fact you cut down dozens of trees. This is obviously illegal." Qi Lin said solemnly.

Li Ming began to panic. He admitted that he had cut too much wood, but insisted that it was because his company was in urgent need of wood and had to do it as a last resort. Qi Lin was not satisfied with his statement. He believed that there must be a deeper reason behind it.

During the subsequent investigation, Qi Lin (ccfg) found some interesting clues. It turned out that Li Ming was related to the owner of the wood processing factory, and the two of them had been colluding together to make huge profits by illegally cutting down trees. They planned carefully, using Li Ming's construction company as a cover to apply for a felling permit, then cut down excessive amounts of trees, and then secretly sold the wood to wood processing plants.

Qi Lin pieced together these clues one by one and finally revealed the truth of the entire case. He submitted the evidence to the police, who took quick action and arrested Li Ming and the owner of the wood processing factory. After interrogation, the two confessed to their crimes and were sentenced to corresponding penalties.

The case of stealing trees was finally solved, and Qi Lin felt relieved. He knows that he has done a good thing for society and protected the environment and resources. He decided to move forward and continue to reveal the crimes hidden in the darkness.

There was a pile of documents in front of him, which were all investigation materials on the sewage discharge case. He has been looking for clues to solve the case and trying to uncover the truth of the case.

The door was pushed open and a policeman walked in. "Qi Lin, we just received new clues." The policeman said, handing a report to Qi Lin. .

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