Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

519: This Smuggling Case Is Not Simple

Qi Lin took the report and read it carefully. The report mentioned that someone secretly discharged sewage at night. He raised his head and said to the police: "It seems that we need to conduct a surprise inspection at night."

As night fell, Qi Lin led the police team to the location where sewage was suspected to be discharged. They hid aside and waited quietly.

After a while, a truck drove over quietly and stopped in a hidden corner. Two people jumped out of the car and began to discharge sewage secretly.

"Action!" Qi Lin gave the order, and the police immediately rushed out and caught the two people who were discharging sewage.

"You can't arrest me! I'm just following the boss's instructions!" One of the people struggled and shouted.

"Who is your boss?" Qi Lin asked coldly.

"I...I won't say it!" The man closed his eyes, looking like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

Qi Lin frowned, turned around and said to the police: "Take these two people back for interrogation first and see if you can get anything out of their mouths." After that, he fell into deep thought again.

After several interrogations, the two men finally spoke. They told Qi Lin that they were employees of a large company, and the boss asked them to secretly discharge sewage at night in order to save money. They also revealed important information: The company had other wrongdoings. So Qi Lin immediately took the police to the company to investigate. They found conclusive evidence and exposed all of the company's wrongdoings. After a battle of wits and courage, the criminal was brought to justice.

"Qi Lin, you have made a great contribution this time." The police chief patted Qi Lin on the shoulder and said, "Without you, this case would have been difficult to solve."

"These are all our responsibilities." Qi Lin smiled faintly, "As detectives, our mission is to uncover the truth and protect the safety of the people."

"But I'm still curious, how did you find this clue?" the director asked.

"Actually, I didn't have much of a clue at the beginning," Qi Lin recalled. "Later, I found some clues during the investigation and gradually pieced together the truth of the case. The key to this case lies in careful observation and reasoning and analysis."

After hearing this, the director nodded in agreement: "You are right. An excellent detective must not only have keen observation, but also have excellent reasoning skills. It seems that you have both." He asked Qi Lin again Express thanks and appreciation. Qi Lin just smiled slightly and said that this was what he should do. In his heart, he once again strengthened his belief that no matter what the case, he must investigate to the end and reveal the truth.

…Please give me flowers)…

The clues in the smuggling case were like a mess, and he needed to sort them out one by one to find the key.

"Qi Lin, what do you think?" Opposite him, his partner Li Waner asked.

"This smuggling case is not simple. Judging from the existing clues, it seems to involve a huge network." Qi Lin replied.

"But we only have these fragmentary clues, how can we find out the entire network?" Li Waner frowned.

"This requires us to conduct an in-depth investigation. Starting from the known smuggling routes, people, and goods, we will dig out one by one." Qi Lin's eyes showed determination.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Li Waner launched intense investigation work. They visited docks and warehouses, talked with relevant personnel, and gradually pieced together a full picture of the smuggling network. .

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