One day, they came to a logistics company.

"Hello, we are the police. We need to know something from you." Qi Lin showed his ID.

The manager of the logistics company looked a little nervous: "Comrade police, our company operates legally."

"We understand. But recently some smuggled goods seem to be sold through your channels, and we need to find out the situation." Li Waner said. "=-="The manager hesitated for a moment and finally sighed: "Okay, I'll tell you."

After some conversation, they got an important clue: the smuggled goods were smuggled through certain employees of the logistics company who took advantage of their work.

"It seems that this logistics company is just a cover, and the real core personnel are still behind the scenes." Qi Lin analyzed.

"Then what should we do next?" Li Waner asked.

"Continue to conduct in-depth investigations to find out the mastermind behind the scenes." Qi Lin's eyes revealed firmness and decisiveness, "If this smuggling network is not eradicated, society will never have peace."

After a long period of squatting and investigation, Qi Lin and Li Waner finally identified a suspicious person who seemed to be the core figure of the entire smuggling network. They made the arrest in one night.

"Don't move! Police!" Qi Lin and Li Waner rushed into the room and caught the suspicious elements who were destroying evidence.

After a fierce interrogation, the suspect finally collapsed and explained the operation of the entire smuggling network and the mastermind behind it. It turns out that this is a huge smuggling network involving high-ranking officials, gangs and unscrupulous businessmen. They use their power and money to open roads and smuggle large amounts of contraband into the country, making huge profits.

"Finally the truth is revealed." Li Waner said with emotion.

"This is just the beginning." Qi Lin said, "We must wipe out this smuggling network and restore peace to society."

In the following operations, Qi Lin and Li Waner teamed up with other police departments to conduct a thorough crackdown on the smuggling network. A group of high-ranking officials, gangsters and unscrupulous businessmen involved in the case were arrested, and the smuggling network collapsed.

After the case was solved, this and Li Waner returned to the office.

"This operation was really successful. It feels like clearing the clouds and seeing the blue sky." Li Waner said with a smile.

"Yes, but this is only part of our police duties... Social peace requires us to be vigilant at all times and not relax at all." Qi Lin's words were full of responsibility and responsibility.

Qi Lin was sitting on the sofa in the office, facing the woman opposite. Her name was Su Yan, and she was a family member of the victim of the murder case.

"Detective Qi, I beg you to find the murderer of my sister." Su Yan's voice was filled with deep sorrow and anger.

Qi Lin nodded, his eyes revealing firmness and determination, "Miss Su, I will do my best to find the murderer. Can you tell me in detail the circumstances of your sister's murder?"

Su Yan nodded and began to describe that terrible night, "That night, my sister received a phone call, and then she went out and never came back. Her body was later found in her apartment, stabbed to death with a sharp instrument. "1.7 Qi Lin frowned after hearing this, "Are there any clues, such as who made that call?"

Su Yan shook his head, "No, the phone call is anonymous and we can't find any information."

Qi Lin took a deep breath and said, "Then let's start with your sister's social connections and see if there is anyone suspicious." He stood up and prepared to leave. .

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