"Detective Qi, can I ask you a question?" Su Yan said suddenly.

"Say." Qi Lin turned around.

"Why did you choose to become a detective?" Su Yan's eyes were full of curiosity.

Qi Lin smiled slightly, "Because I like to solve puzzles and find the truth. Every case is a mystery, and I am the one who wants to solve the mystery." His eyes were full of enthusiasm and determination. This was his choice The reason why he became a detective is also the motivation that keeps him going. twenty two

In the days that followed, Qi Lin began a arduous investigation. He started with Su Yan's sister's social connections and investigated every possible suspect one by one. He searched for her colleagues, friends, and even her ex-boyfriend, but found no effective clues.

The case seemed to be at a deadlock, but Qi Lin did not give up. He began to re-examine the case, looking for details that had been ignored before. He checked Su Yan's sister's room again, carefully studied the anonymous phone call, and even analyzed her call records.

One day, he found a strange number in the call history. This number only appeared once, on the night Suji's sister was murdered. He immediately started tracking the code.

After some twists and turns, he finally found the owner of the number. It was a man who had a brief affair with sister Su Yan. But after they broke up, the man developed a strong hatred for her.

Qi Lin found the man's hiding place, in his dilapidated hut. When Qi Lin appeared in front of him, the man looked panicked.

"Do you know why I'm looking for you?" Qi Lin asked coldly.

The man lowered his head, not daring to look into Qi Lin's eyes, "I know, I killed Su Yan. He admitted the crime.

"Why?" Qi Lin asked, "Why did you want to kill her?"

The man raised his head, his eyes full of anger and grief, "She left me, she said I was not good enough. I don't want to give in, I love her so much, how could she do this to me? So I killed her, I want to Let her know that without me, she is nothing." His voice was full of madness and despair.

After Qi Lin listened, he was silent for a moment, "Do you know you are wrong?" he asked.

The man nodded, "I know, I was wrong. I shouldn't have taken her life because of my selfishness and anger. I really regret it." His voice was full of regret and pain.

"It's too late to regret." Qi Lin said, "You need to pay for your crime." He took out his mobile phone and called the police. The man showed no resistance when he was taken away by the police, as if he had completely resigned himself to his fate.

When Qi Lin returned to the office, Su Yan was waiting for him there. She saw the man's photo and news of his arrest. She looked at Qi Lin, her eyes full of gratitude, 547 "Thank you, Detective Qi." She said, "Not only did you find the murderer, but you also sought justice for my sister."

Looking at the bustling city outside the window, my heart is extremely peaceful. As a detective, he has become accustomed to the strange and unknown around him. At this time, the phone on the table rang.

"Qi Lin, there is a new case." On the other end of the phone was Qi Lin's partner and his good friend, Li.

"Oh? What's the case this time?" Qi Lin asked with interest.

"Industrial espionage case. Confidential information of a large company was leaked, and they suspected there was an insider." Li Hao said succinctly. .

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