"Okay, I understand. When will we start the investigation?" Qi Lin immediately entered work mode.

"Start now. I'll wait for you at the company." After finishing speaking, Li Hao hung up the phone.

Qi Lin tidied the desktop, stood up and walked out of the office. He got in the car and drove towards the company Li Hao mentioned.

Qi Lin and Li Hao visited various departments of the company together, looking for possible clues. They successively visited the R&D department, marketing department, human resources department and other departments to have detailed exchanges with employees.

"Have you found any abnormalities?" Qi Lin asked an employee in the R&D department.

"Abnormal? It seems not. We are all working normally." The employee thought for a while and replied.

"Then have you noticed who has been acting strangely recently?" Li Hao asked again.

The employees shook their heads and said they didn't notice anything.

Qi Lin and Li Hao communicated and kept looking for clues. However, after a whole day, they did not find any valuable clues.

"It seems that this case is not easy to solve." "Li Hao sighed.

"It doesn't matter, let's keep working hard. There must be something we have overlooked." Qi Lin said firmly.

Chapter 3: Breakthrough

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Li Hao have been investigating in the company. They communicate with employees, analyze data, and find breakthroughs. However, “there doesn’t seem to be any progress in the case.

One night, Qi Lin was thinking alone in the office. He looked at the documents on the table, and the scenes of the investigation over the past few days kept flashing in his mind. Suddenly, he realized an important problem.

"I have been ignoring a key issue before. We have been looking for the insider who stole confidential information, but we have ignored the possibility that confidential information may have been stolen by outsiders." Qi Lin said to himself road.

He immediately called Li Hao and shared his thoughts. After hearing this, Li Hao suddenly realized.

"We have been looking for clues within the company and ignored external factors. Tomorrow we will start investigating people outside the company." Li Hao said excitedly.

After several days of investigation, Qi Lin and Li Hao finally found the criminal who stole confidential information. It turned out that the confidential information had been stolen by an employee of a rival company. He used his connections within the company to obtain confidential information and sold it to a rival company.

In the face of conclusive evidence, the criminal had to admit his crime. The truth of this commercial espionage case was finally revealed.

The company expressed its deep gratitude to Qi Lin and Li Hao. Not only did they recover the company's losses, they also protected the company's reputation. Qi Lin and Li Hao also received high praise from the industry for successfully cracking this commercial espionage case.

His eyes were solemn, and all his thoughts were focused on the case documents in front of him. The document records a hit-and-run case. The victim was a night runner. After being hit by a car, the driver did not stop to rescue him, but instead sped away from the scene. (Zhao Zhao)

"...This case is a bit tricky." Qi Lin said to himself, his eyes wandering back and forth between various details on the document.

The door was pushed open and a police officer walked in. "Qi Lin, I brought the information you just requested." The police officer put a report on the table and exited the room.

Qi Lin looked at the report with a deep frown. There were no clues in the report that could directly point to the suspect, only the vague license plate number of the fleeing vehicle. .

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