He picked up the phone and dialed a number. "Hey, is this the Transportation Bureau? I need you to check a license plate number for me.

A few minutes later, Qi Lin got the answer he wanted. The vehicle was registered in the name of a person named Li Gang. He immediately notified the police to investigate Li Gang.

A few hours later, the police arrested Li Gang at his home. Faced with police questioning, Li Gang initially denied everything, but when the police presented evidence, his defense began to collapse.

"I drank some wine that night, but I didn't mean to. I really didn't see him." Li Gang lowered his head in frustration.

"Then why did you escape?" Qi Lin asked sternly.

"I'm scared, I know I was wrong, I shouldn't have drunk and driven. I just... I just want to evade responsibility." Li Gang's voice became lower and lower.

Qi Lin looked at the cowardly man in front of him, his heart filled with anger. But he knew that anger could not solve any problems. What he needs is truth and justice.

"You will pay the price for your actions, Li Gang. The law will give you a fair trial." Qi Lin said coldly.

With the arrest of Li Gang, the hit-and-run case was finally solved. The victim got justice and the criminal got the punishment he deserved. However, for Qi Lin, this is just one of his many cases as a detective. He will continue to move forward to reveal more truths and maintain more justice. This is his mission and his glory.

He sat on the chair in the office and looked at the night outside the window, his heart full of determination and expectation. He knows that there is still a long way to go, and he must always stay awake and sharp in order to do better in this position. However, he also knows that no matter how big the challenge ahead is, he has the confidence and courage to face it.

"Qi Lin, another case requires your action." The voice from the door interrupted Qi Lin's thoughts. He turned around and looked at his colleagues who came in, with a firm smile on his face.

"I'm here." He stood up, picked up the case documents on the table, and faced the new challenge.

Thick smoke billowed and flames roared. Qi Lin stood on the edge of the fire scene, overlooking the ruins. He is a detective, and he is used to such arson cases. However, every case made him feel sad, because there were always deep malice and innocent victims hidden behind it.

"Qi Lin, what do you think?" Next to him is his partner and friend, the criminal police captain Li Hao.

Qi Lin didn't answer immediately. His eyes glanced back and forth at the scene, as if he was looking for something. He knelt down, picked up a piece of charred wood, observed it carefully for a while, then stood up, took a deep breath, and said, "This is man-made."

"Oh?" Li Hao raised his eyebrows, "How can you tell?"

"First of all, although the fire is fierce, the burning method is too uniform and not as random as natural fires. Secondly, if you look at these wreckage, their position and state show a regular destruction, which is more like being manipulated by humans. "Yes." Qi Lin analyzed calmly.

Li Hao nodded, "Then what do you mean..."

"We need to find the arsonist." Qi Lin's eyes became sharp, "And, I believe he must have his motive.

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