Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

524: Something Happened To My Daughter

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Li Hao began to conduct an in-depth investigation of the case. They searched for clues, interviewed witnesses, and studied every detail of the fire. However, things are not easy as they are faced with a well-planned crime in which the criminals leave almost no clues.

However, Qi Lin did not give up. He returned to the scene again and searched inch by inch. He looked for any possible clue, any detail that might have been overlooked. His eyes glanced back and forth among the ruins, like a hunter looking for his prey.

Finally, he found something - a burnt diary. He picked it up carefully, blew the ashes off, and opened it. It is full of words, although it is a little blurry, but some clues can still be seen. Qi Lin believes that this diary may be the arsonist's belongings, and it may reveal the arsonist's motives.

After days and nights of research and comparison, Qi Lin finally found the key information from the diary. It turns out that the arsonist was a man who used to work here. He was resentful because he was fired from the company and decided to take revenge. His motivation is hatred, pure hatred.

Qi Lin told Li Hao about this discovery. The two of them sat together and listened quietly to Qi Lin's story. After listening to Qi Lin's analysis, Li Hao was silent for a moment, and then said: "We need to find him and prevent him from committing crimes again."

"I already know where he is." Qi Lin stood up, determination flashing in his eyes, "Let's go find him."

In a corner of the ruins, they found the arsonist. He tried to escape, but Qi Lin and Li Hao soon caught up with him. They surrounded him and pointed guns at him.

"Do you know what you did?" Qi Lin asked coldly.

The arsonist stared at them without saying a word.

"Because of your personal grudge, you burned down this entire building and made innocent people suffer. Do you think you have the right to do this?" Qi Lin approached step by step.

The arsonist's face turned pale, he began to tremble, and then suddenly, he rushed towards Qi Lin. Li Hao reacted quickly and shot him in the leg. He fell to the ground - writhing in pain.

"Take it away." Qi Lin said lightly, then turned and left. He knew that behind this fire was the darkness and fragility of human nature. He hopes that through their efforts, more people can be prevented from going down this path.

…please give me flowers…………

The door was pushed open suddenly, and a middle-aged woman with an anxious face broke in. "Are you Detective Qi Lin? I...I need your help!"

Qi Lin smiled slightly, motioned the woman to sit down, then poured a cup of tea leisurely and said: "Don't be anxious, tell me slowly, what's wrong?"

The woman burst into tears: "My daughter, she...she was abducted!"

Qi Lin's eyes suddenly became sharp: "Please describe the situation in detail."

In the next few hours, Qi Lin listened carefully to the woman's statement and carefully analyzed the details of the case. He was keenly aware of the unusual aspects of this case and had already begun to outline possible suspects in his mind.

In the next few days, Qi Lin devoted himself to the investigation of this abduction case. He follows suspicious clues, investigates the suspect's background, and researches all aspects of the case.

During an investigation, Qi Lin discovered a key clue. He stood in front of a dilapidated house, looking at the messy scene in the house, with a smile on his lips. "Found it." He whispered to himself.

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