In the following conversation, Qi Lin gradually revealed the truth about this abduction case. It turned out that the suspect was a criminal gang that made a living by trafficking people. They take advantage of people's greed and negligence, kidnap innocent children and sell them on the black market.

After obtaining enough evidence, Qi Lin decided to close the network. He contacted the police and formulated a detailed action plan.

On the day of the operation, Qi Lin and the police quietly surrounded the suspect's hiding place with "337". They waited quietly, like cheetahs waiting for their prey to appear.


Finally, the suspect came out of his hiding place. They were not aware of the danger around them and still walked leisurely. Suddenly, with a gesture from Qi Lin, the police immediately took action and captured the suspect.

While rescuing the abducted children, Qi Lin saw their fear and helplessness. There was a pain in his heart, and he became more determined to seek justice for these innocent children.

When all the criminal suspects were brought to justice and the abducted children returned to their parents' arms, Qi Lin finally breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the families who had regained a new lease of life, and his heart was filled with satisfaction and joy.

In the thick fog, the moonlight at night shines on the dark streets, shrouding it in a mysterious atmosphere. Qi Lin, a detective, was standing in front of the stolen jewelry store, his eyes as sharp as an eagle, and he was determined to crack the jewelry theft case.

"Qi Lin, what do you think of this case?" The police chief asked beside him, his eyes full of expectation.

Qi Lin turned his head and replied calmly: "Director, I don't think this case is a simple theft. Judging from the traces on the scene, this is a well-planned crime."

The director was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Go on."

"First of all," Qi Lin pointed to the window of the jewelry store, "Look here, the glass has been cut so precisely. It was obviously done with professional tools. Moreover, the alarm system in the store was not triggered, which shows that criminals have used our alarm system. Have in-depth understanding.

"So, who do you think did it?" the director asked.

Qi Lin pondered for a moment: "I guess this may be an internal crime. Only insiders can understand the alarm system so well and accurately avoid all surveillance systems."

After hearing this, the director frowned: "Then how should we find this insider?"

Qi Lin smiled slightly: "Director, you forgot the most important clue - the jewelry. Although they have been stolen, there will always be someone who wants to sell it. What we have to do is guard all the exits and wait for the fish to take the bait. "

In the next few days, Qi Lin and the police quietly guarded every corner of the city. Finally, in a dark corner, they discovered a suspicious person.

"That's him!" Qi Lin recognized the man at a glance. He was holding a bright diamond in his hand.

After the man was arrested, they immediately conducted an interrogation. Under Qi Lin's sharp gaze, the man finally collapsed and admitted his crime.

"I...I am a security guard at a jewelry store. I knew the loopholes in the alarm system, so I got greedy." The man told the story of the crime dejectedly.

After hearing this, Qi Lin nodded: "That's it. Only insiders can avoid the alarm system and monitoring so accurately."

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