Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

526: I Just Want To Take Revenge On Her

After the director heard this, Qi Lin marveled: "Qi Lin, you are really amazing. You solved such a complicated case so quickly.

Qi Lin smiled calmly: "This is just my job. Moreover, I believe that no matter how cunning the criminals are, they will always leave clues. As long as we observe carefully, we will always find the truth."

It's late at night, the moonlight shines on the quiet streets, and the jewelry store has returned to its former tranquility. Qi Lin, on the other hand, was still standing on the street with his eyes like a torch, guarding the peace of the city. For him, this is just one of many cases, and his detective career is still going on.

This is a poisoning case. The victim is a company executive. The identity of the poisoner 22 is unknown. Qi Lin needs to find the murderer as soon as possible to prevent him from acting again.

He began to sort out the information about the case and had a conversation with his assistant.

"First of all, we need to understand the victim's situation." Qi Lin told his assistant.

"The victim's name is Li Wei, and he is the company's CFO. He was poisoned to death at home. The poison was cyanide and was mixed into his coffee." The assistant answered.

"So, who has the motive to kill him?" Qi Lin asked.

"According to our investigation, Li Wei has many enemies in the company. He is very high-profile in everything he does and has offended many people," the assistant said.

"Then, let's start the investigation from Ji Wei's enemies." Qi Lin decided.

They came to the company and started a series of questions. The first person to be questioned was Li Wei's secretary.

"CFO Li Wei is a difficult person to get along with," secretary Qi Lin said. "He always asked me to do unreasonable things and often yelled at me."

"So have you ever thought about killing him?" Qi Lin asked.

"Never," the secretary replied. "I just hated him, but I never wanted to kill him."

Qi Lin and his assistants asked several other enemies of Li Wei, but no conclusive evidence was found. This frustrates them. It was getting late, and they decided to continue the investigation tomorrow.

The next morning, Qi Lin and his assistant came to the company again. They decided to expand the scope of the investigation and start with the company's employees. They found an employee named Zhang Li, who was Li Wei's lover, but because Li Wei was unwilling to disclose his relationship with her, he finally dumped her. "She inherited a large sum of money after Li Wei's death. This made Qi Lin became suspicious of her.

"You inherited a large amount of money after Li Wei's death. What happened?" Qi Lin asked Zhang Li.

"Li Wei owed me a sum of money, and his lawyer paid it back to me after he died." Zhang Li replied. But there was a hint of uneasiness in her eyes.

"When did you break off the relationship with Li Wei?" Qi Lin continued to ask.

"A few months ago. He didn't want to have an open relationship with me. I was very angry and broke up with him." Zhang Li replied, her tone a little unnatural.

Qi Lin saw that Zhang Li's 907 was nervous and unnatural, so he decided to continue asking: "You said you were angry, have you ever thought about taking revenge on him?"

Zhang Li's expression changed: "Retaliation? I never thought about taking revenge on him. I just don't want to have anything to do with him anymore.

"Then can you explain why there is such a large amount of money in your bank account? And this money happened to be transferred after Li Wei's death." Qi Lin pressed.

Zhang Li's face was pale and she was speechless. Qi Lin saw that she could no longer hide it, so he decided to keep trying: "We have found evidence that you are the real culprit in the poisoning case. You need to honestly explain your crime!"


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