After Zhang Li's psychological defense collapsed, she finally cried: "I killed Li Wei. I hated him. He dumped me and was unwilling to admit that I was his woman. In order to get revenge on him, I

He secretly put poison in his coffee. "She took out the poison bottle and said, "This is the poison I bought. I originally wanted him to die in pain, but I didn't expect you to find me so quickly. "

Qi Lin and his assistant took Zhang Li away. The poisoning case was solved. On the way back to the police station, Assistant Qi Lin said: "This case is so complicated! If we hadn't investigated carefully,

I'm afraid the real culprit is at large. "

"Yes! Detective work is never easy. But as long as we insist on pursuing the truth and justice, we will definitely find the truth." Qi Lin said meaningfully. At this moment, his eyes are full of determination and belief, and he is ready to face the next challenge.

There was a file in front of Qi Lin, with "animal trafficking case" clearly written on it. He frowned, pondering the details of the case.

"Qi Lin, what do you think?" Sitting across from him was his partner, Li Ya.

"This case is not simple." Qi Lin replied, "Judging from the existing clues, this is a large-scale animal trafficking network, and it has been operating for a long time."

"We need to find their hiding place." Li Ya said.

Qi Lin nodded and said: "I have sent people to follow the people suspected to be related to the case, hoping to find some clues.

At this time, the phone rang. Qi Lin took the phone, listened for a while, and then said, "Okay, I understand." He put down the phone and said to Li Ya, "Our informant discovered a suspicious warehouse, let's go take a look."

They drove outside the warehouse, which was located in a remote corner of the city. Qi Lin and Li Ya quietly approached the warehouse and heard low animal sounds coming from inside.

They looked at each other, then Qi Lin waved his hand, and the two rushed into the warehouse in an instant.

The warehouse was dark and damp, filled with a strong animal smell. I saw various animals in iron cages, and they all looked very tired and frightened.

"These guys are so cruel!" Li Ya said angrily.

"We need to find evidence and wipe out this animal trafficking network." Qi Lin said calmly.

They began to search the warehouse carefully, hoping to find some valuable clues. After some searching, Qi Lin found a ledger in a corner. He opened the account book and found that every animal transaction was recorded in detail.

"...This is the evidence we are looking for." Qi Lin said excitedly.

They left the warehouse with the ledger and immediately began an in-depth investigation of the case after returning to the police station. After days and nights of unremitting efforts, they finally figured out the structure and personnel composition of the entire animal trafficking network.

In the following actions, Qi Lin and Li Ya successfully captured all members of this animal trafficking network (for money) and rescued a large number of trafficked animals.

After the case was solved, Qi Lin and Li Ya stood at the door of the police station, watching the rescued animals being sent to the animal protection center, their hearts filled with joy and satisfaction.

"We did well." Li Ya said with a smile.

"This is just the beginning." Qi Lin said firmly, "We must continue to work hard to protect more animals from trafficking."

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