Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

528: A Customer Is Here [Please Click To Subscribe Automatically! ! ! ! ! 】

The two shook hands and then continued to work on the new case.

Qi Lin looked at the case documents on the table and sighed deeply. This is the latest case he has taken over - the case of stealing trees. In this era of increasing environmental awareness, this case has aroused strong public concern.

"Qi Lin, what do you think?" Sitting across from him was his partner, Li Yue. She is an experienced police detective and Qi Lin's good friend.

"Judging from the current evidence," Qi Lin flipped through the case documents, "the locations for the hacking were cleverly chosen, and they were all in surveillance blind spots. Obviously, the prisoner has certain counter-inspection capabilities."

Li Yue frowned: "Then where do we start?"

Qi Lin meditated on the 450th moment of the film: "We need to start from two aspects. On the one hand, we need to find possible criminal motives, and on the other hand, we need to find clues about the prisoner."

After several days of in-depth investigation, Qi Lin and Li Yue collected some important clues. They found that the illegally felled trees were all rare species, and the felling techniques were very professional.

"It seems that this is not just a simple case of illegal logging." Qi Lin looked at the report in his hand with a solemn expression.

"You mean..." Li Yue looked at him.

"I think this may be an organized crime, and the target may be the smuggling of rare tree species." Qi Lin's tone was full of determination.

They began to track the smuggling route of timber and eventually discovered traces of an international smuggling gang. After a series of careful planning and arrangements, Qi Lin and Li Yue decided to carry out the closing operation.

On the day of the operation, Qi Lin made final arrangements to the team members: "Remember, our goal is to capture the leader of this smuggling gang. Only he can tell us who the real mastermind is."

Li Yue nodded: "Everyone, please pay attention to safety."

They acted quietly and successfully captured the leader of the smuggling gang. During the interrogation, they learned shocking facts. It turned out that this smuggling gang was just a cover, and the real man behind the scenes was an international timber company. In order to obtain rare timber, they carried out illegal logging at all costs. (ccec)

Qi Lin and Li Yue decided to wipe out this international timber company. By collecting evidence, they successfully arrested all the company's top executives. In the face of overwhelming evidence, they had to admit their crimes.

The case was successfully solved, and Qi Lin and Li Yue received praise from the public. Their contributions in the field of environmental protection are widely recognized and they have set an example for combating environmental crimes.

"Qi Lin, we did it." Li Yue looked at the green trees outside the window and said with a smile.

Qi Lin nodded: "Yes, we did it. But this is just the beginning. The road to environmental protection is still long, and we still have a lot to do." His eyes were firm and deep, as if he saw the glory of environmental protection in the future.

His assistant, a young girl, knocked gently on the door and walked in.

"Qi Lin, a customer is here." The assistant whispered.

"Okay, please invite him in." Qi Lin replied, adjusting his sitting posture.

The customer is a middle-aged man with an anxious look and a hint of sadness. He sat opposite Qi Lin and began to talk about the case.

"I am an entrepreneur and run a small factory. Recently, our factory was accused of discharging sewage, but I guarantee that we have never done such a thing. I suspect that someone deliberately framed us, and I hope you can help us Find the real culprit.”

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