After listening to the customer's story, Qi Lin nodded and began his investigation.

He first came to the factory, carefully checked the factory's drainage system, and found that some sewage was indeed being discharged. But he also discovered some strange things, such as the location of the drain and the color of the sewage. These details made him feel that this matter was not simple.

Next, he began to investigate the factory employees and surrounding residents. He discovered that one employee had recently been in contact with a competitor of the factory, while another resident had expressed dissatisfaction with the factory on social media. These details seem to point to a conspiracy, but Qi Lin needs more evidence to confirm his ideas.

He and his assistants began a long process of investigation and evidence collection. They collected various data and records from the factory, analyzed employee actions and communication records, and interviewed surrounding residents and other relevant personnel.

After several days of hard work, they finally found some key evidence. It turned out that the factory's competitors deliberately put pollutants into the factory's drainage system in order to suppress their rivals, and then reported the factory to the environmental protection department. And that employee and resident are both tools used by competitors.

Qi Lin submitted the evidence to the police, who quickly captured the suspect. After interrogation, the suspect admitted his crime and revealed the mastermind behind it. It turns out that competitors have been looking for opportunities to suppress their opponents in order to monopolize the market. They chose the crime of discharging sewage to frame the factory, hoping to damage the factory's reputation and thus affect its business and development.

Qi Lin successfully solved the sewage discharge case and cleared the grievances of the customer. The client was so grateful that he came to the detective agency to express his gratitude to Qi Lin.

"Mr. Qi, thank you so much. Without you, our factory would have been wronged. You not only helped us find the real murderer, but also made us understand the conspiracy behind it. We will definitely strengthen security measures to prevent this kind of thing It happened again." Customer Qi Lin held his hand and said gratefully.

"You're welcome, this is my job. It is my responsibility as a detective to protect the rights and interests of enterprises and individuals from infringement." Qi Lin replied with a smile.

The door was pushed open and a police officer walked in. "Qi Lin, we have just intercepted a batch of suspicious goods and we need you to go and take a look."

…Please give me flowers…

Qi Lin nodded and stood up. "Okay, I'll be there right away."

In the customs warehouse, Qi Lin carefully inspected the goods marked as suspicious. He tapped the box lightly with his hand, a hollow sound echoing in his ears.

"What's in these boxes?" Qi Lin asked.

"We don't know yet, we just feel suspicious." the police officer replied.

Qi Lin frowned. "Open the box."

The box was opened, and inside was a pile of seemingly ordinary stones. Qi Lin squatted down and observed these stones carefully. He touched it with his hand and smelled it.

"What's wrong with these rocks?" the police officer asked.

"These stones are so clean." Qi Lin said. "Smugglers often choose more covert ways to transport their goods, and the stones are obviously carefully selected.

"Are you saying that these stones may be used to conceal the real goods?" the police officer asked.

Qi Lin nodded. "Yes, we need to examine these stones in more detail."

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