After a series of tests and analysis, Qi Lin discovered that these stones contained trace amounts of drugs. He immediately launched an investigation to trace the source and whereabouts of the goods.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and his team conducted a large number of visits and investigations. They contacted informants, collected intelligence, and gradually pieced together the full picture of the smuggling network.

One night, Qi Lin was sitting in his office, lost in thought at the message "280" on the computer screen. The phone rang. It was the informant.

"Qi Lin, I just got the news that this batch of goods was leaked from a person named Li Gang." The informant said.

"Li Gang?" Qi Lin repeated the name. "I've heard of him, he's a very powerful smuggler. 11

"Yes, and I heard that he will be trading in a warehouse tomorrow night." The informant said.

"Okay, I will send someone to keep an eye on him." Qi Lin said. He hung up the phone and immediately summoned his team to dispatch the area.

The next night, Qi Lin and his team quietly came to the warehouse. They hid in a corner and observed what was going on in the warehouse.

After a while, a black car stopped at the entrance of the warehouse. Li Gang got off the car and walked straight into the warehouse.

Qi Lin signaled the team members to follow Li Gang, while he stayed outside to direct. He listened to the team members' reports through headphones and gradually had a plan in mind.

"Action!" Qi Lin ordered. The team members acted quickly and caught Li Gang and his accomplices in one fell swoop.

During the interrogation, Li Gang confessed his crimes and details of the smuggling network. Based on this information, Qi Lin followed the clues and wiped out the smuggling network.

The case was successfully solved, and Qi Lin and his team were commended and rewarded by their superiors. They cheered and celebrated their victory.

"Qi Lin, you are really an amazing detective." the police officer said. "How did you find out there was something wrong with those rocks?"

"It's actually very simple." Qi Lin said with a smile. "Smugglers usually choose a way to transport goods that is least likely to be noticed, and those stones were so clean that they looked unnatural. I just had to be more careful and inspect them in more detail."

"Then how was Li Gang caught?" the police officer asked again.

"That's because we have an excellent team and the help of informants..." Qi Lin said. "Without their support and cooperation, we would not have been able to solve the case so quickly.

This was a murder of love. The victim was a young woman who was murdered in her apartment. The suspect was her boyfriend, but the boyfriend claimed that he was innocent. He said that someone broke into their apartment and killed his girlfriend.

Qi Lin has been investigating for several days, but has not yet found conclusive evidence. He feels a little frustrated. However, he believes he can solve the case and bring justice to the victims.

Suddenly, the phone rang. It was other detectives from the police station. They said they found some evidence in the suspect's home and needed Qi Lin to go take a look.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." After Qi Lin finished speaking, he hung up the phone and left the office in a hurry.

The suspect's home was in a mess, with some furniture overturned and some glass fragments scattered on the ground. Qi Lin saw some photos of the suspect and the victim. They looked very loving. However, he also saw some other photos, photos of strangers. .

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