"Whose photos are these?" Qi Lin asked the suspect.

"I don't know, I've never seen these people," the suspect replied.

"Then how do you explain these photos appearing in your home?" Qi Lin asked.

"I really don't know, maybe someone else put it in my home." The suspect answered innocently.

Qi Lin felt a little dissatisfied. He felt that the suspect was lying. He decided to continue investigating and find more evidence.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and his colleagues have been investigating the case. They found some witnesses, 22 who confirmed that there was indeed a conflict between the suspect and the victim, but there was no conclusive evidence that the suspect killed his girlfriend.

Qi Lin decided to interrogate the suspect again, hoping to find flaws in the suspect's words.

"I told you I didn't kill anyone, why should I lie?" The suspect looked a little impatient.

"Then what's going on with these photos?" Qi Lin took out the photos of strangers and put them on the table.

The suspect was silent for a while and then said: "I downloaded these photos from the Internet. I just wanted to see what these people look like. I don't condone them at all."

"Then why do you hide these photos at home?" Qi Lin asked.

The suspect did not answer, he just lowered his head and remained silent. Qi Lin felt that his question might be too much, so he decided to ask in another way.

"How is your relationship with your girlfriend?" Qi Lin asked.

"We're fine, we've always loved each other," the suspect replied.

"But there have been conflicts between you, right?" Qi Lin asked.

"Yes, we had a fight, but we made up quickly," the suspect said.

"Then can you tell me the reason for your last quarrel?" Qi Lin asked.

The suspect began to describe the last time they had a fight. He said they got into a fight over some trivial matter and then he went out. When he came back, his girlfriend had been murdered.

"I really didn't kill anyone, I swear." The suspect looked very sincere.

After listening to the suspect's description, Qi Lin thought for a while. He felt that the suspect might be telling the truth, but the conflict between them must be related to the case. He decided to start with the victim's social connections to find possible suspects.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and his colleagues conducted an in-depth investigation into the victim's social relationships. They found some clues and finally identified a man who was the victim's ex-boyfriend and had threatened the victim because of relationship problems.

After further investigation, they found conclusive evidence that this man was the murderer. He was arrested, tried, and eventually sentenced to prison.

"Qi Lin, what do you think of this commercial espionage case?" Deputy Director Zheng Jun sat across from him with a sad look on his face.

Qi Lin turned his head, looked at Zheng Jun, and smiled slightly: "Brother Jun, you should know my interest in this type of case. I think this case is not simple. We need to think from more perspectives."

Zheng Jun nodded: "Tell me what you think."

"First of all, this commercial espionage case has a clear goal and only targets our new technology, which shows that the other party is very interested in our new technology. Secondly, the other party did not propose any conditions in exchange, which shows that their goal is not just money. ." Qi Lin said slowly. .

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