Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

533: Surveillance Video During His Lifetime

"The arsonist in this case was obviously premeditated, look at this." The police officer pointed to a mark on the wall and said: "This was ignited with a lighter, and it was ignited before the fire broke out." "

Qi Lin squatted down and looked at the burning residue on the ground. After thinking for a moment, he said: "The arsonist used flammable liquid. Look at the color and smell of the residue, it should be gasoline."

"Gasoline?" the police officer asked in surprise: "So, the arsonist had already prepared gasoline and then poured it here and set it on fire?"

"Yes, and this arsonist is very cunning, look here." Qi Lin pointed to a corner of the wall and said: "There is a camera here, but it has been destroyed.

The police officer nodded: "It seems like the arsonist didn't want to leave any clues."

"That's right." Qi 280 Lin said after thinking for a moment, "However, he will definitely leave something behind. There is no perfect crime, only clues that we haven't found yet.

They conducted a more in-depth investigation at the scene, collected various possible physical evidence, including burning residues, damaged cameras, etc., and then returned to the police station. in the laboratory

They conducted a detailed analysis of the physical evidence.

A few days later, the experimental results came out. As Qi Lin expected, the residue was indeed gasoline, and although the camera was destroyed, the memory chip in it was preserved. After technical recovery (ccdh), they obtained the surveillance video before the arson occurred.

In the video, they saw a man wearing a hat and mask entering the building, carrying a barrel suspected of containing gasoline. This man was clearly the arsonist.

"We now have evidence to identify this person." the police officer said excitedly.

Qi Lin shook his head: "Don't worry, we don't have his identity information yet. This person obviously came prepared. We have to find out his motives before we can find out his identity."

They began to analyze the arsonist's behavioral patterns, gait, and movement habits to look for possible clues. After days and nights of hard work, they finally found a key clue: the arsonist had stopped at a nearby gas station before entering the building.

Qi Lin immediately led the team to the gas station and retrieved the surveillance video of the day. In the video, they saw the vehicle and face of the arsonist. Using vehicle registration information, they soon discovered the identity of the arsonist: a man with a grudge stemming from a business dispute.

During the subsequent interrogation, the arsonist confessed to his crime. This vicious arson case was finally successfully solved under Qi Lin's careful reasoning and detection.

A young girl disappeared and was suspected of being abducted. There is not much information about the case, but Qi Lin knows that there must be an unknown secret behind it.

He picked up the phone and dialed the suspect's number. A hoarse male voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hey, who is this?"

"I'm a police officer and I have some questions to ask you." Qi Lin said coldly.

"Police? I didn't do anything!" The other party was obviously a little nervous.

"Then why have you been traveling to and from the urban-rural fringe recently? And some people reported that you quietly carried some strange boxes at night." Qi Lin asked.

The other party was silent for a while, and then said: "I'm just helping people move things. I really don't know what's in the box."

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