"Then why don't you dare to look at me directly?" Qi Lin keenly caught a trace of panic in the other party's tone.

There was silence on the other end of the phone again. Qi Lin decided to strike while the iron was hot: "If you don't want to be held accountable, tell me the truth. Otherwise, you will bear the consequences."

The other party finally broke down: "Okay, I said. Someone asked me to move the box, but I really don't know what's inside. I just followed the instructions and moved the box from one place to another."

"Where is the box now?" Qi Lin asked.

"In...in a warehouse." The other party replied hesitantly.

After getting this important clue, Qi Lin took action immediately. He led the team to the warehouse and successfully rescued the abducted girl.

When facing the abducted girl, Qi Lin gently comforted her: "Don't worry, you are safe. We will help you find your family."

The girl looked at Qi Lin with tears in her eyes and nodded gratefully.

Later, Qi Lin contacted the girl's family and informed them of the good news. On the other end of the phone, the family's excitement and gratitude were beyond words: "Thank you, comrade police! We have been looking for her, thank you very much!~"

Qi Lin smiled and said: "This is our responsibility, you're welcome. Come pick her up as soon as possible, she will be waiting for you."

The family's car arrived soon. They hugged the girl tightly and cried with joy. This scene moved all the police present.

During the follow-up investigation of the case, Qi Lin and his team followed the clues and successfully wiped out the trafficking gang.

The case was successfully solved, which made Qi Lin deeply gratified. He knows that behind this is not only his wisdom and courage, but also the cooperation and efforts of the team.

It was late at night, and Qi Lin was still sitting on the chair in the office. The lights outside the window reflected his tired and satisfied face. He gently closed the case folder, feeling an inexplicable surge of pride in his heart.

"It's great that another case has been solved successfully." He said to himself, with a faint smile on his face. Then, he got up and left the office, walking into the night.

It was a difficult jewelry theft case, and he was the detective responsible for solving the case.

The silence of the night was broken by the ringing of the phone. Qi Lin picked up the phone. What came from the other end of the phone was the anxious voice of the owner of the jewelry store, "Detective Qi, the security system of the jewelry store has just been triggered. I suspect someone has stolen it."

…please give me flowers…0

Qi Lin replied calmly: "Don't worry, I'll be there right away." He put down the phone, picked up his coat, and hurried out the door.

At the jewelry store, Qi Lin carefully inspected the pried open safe and the jewelry scattered on the floor. He frowned and took a deep breath. There was a faint smell of perfume in the air, and he remembered this detail in his heart.


Then he turned to the clerk and asked: "Did you notice anything unusual?" The clerk replied tremblingly: "I, I saw a man in a black windbreaker running away." Qi Lin nodded, and he began to piece together the theft case. clues.

In the next few days, Qi Lin began a difficult pursuit. He saw the mysterious black figure from the surveillance video of the jewelry store. He traced the shadow's trail from a jewelry store to a luxurious apartment building.

He walked into the apartment building, and his firm eyes reflected in the elevator door. He knocked on the door of the apartment, and the person who opened the door was a woman wearing a black trench coat. Her body exuded the same perfume as that of a jewelry store. .

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