Qi Lin looked at her deeply, "You are the criminal in the jewelry theft case, right?" The woman was stunned for a moment, and then sneered, "What evidence do you have?" Qi Lin took out a jewel found at the jewelry store from his pocket. Earrings, "This earrings are yours, right?"

The woman's face changed, but she still said harshly: "This is just an earring I bought casually. How can it prove that I am a thief?" Qi Lin smiled calmly, "On the inside of this earring, "853" is engraved with your number. Name. Besides, your perfume smells like the perfume left in the jewelry store."

When the woman heard this, her face turned pale, knowing that she could no longer argue. She lowered her head tiredly and said softly: "Yes, I did it. But I just want to get back the life I lost. I just want to take revenge on those who look down on me."

Qi Lin looked at her and sighed deeply, "No matter how difficult life is, it is not the reason for you to commit crimes. You should pay the price for your actions." After saying that, he picked up the phone and

Got the police call.

As the police car arrived, the woman was taken away. Qi Lin stood in the night, watching the police lights flashing, with mixed feelings in his heart. He once again successfully cracked a case, but he didn't feel the slightest joy. He just silently reminded himself that as a detective, his responsibility is to find out the truth and seek justice for the victims.

This is a difficult poisoning case, the victim is a well-known entrepreneur, and the identity of the suspect has always been a mystery.

He picked up the phone and dialed the first suspect's number. It was the victim's business rival, and the two had fallen out over a contract.

"Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin, and I need to ask you something about the victim." Qi Lin said seriously.

The person on the other end of the phone was obviously surprised by Qilin's call. He replied: "I haven't contacted him for a long time. I didn't know that he would be poisoned."

Qi Lin calmly analyzed the other party's tone and answers, and then turned to the next suspect. This is the victim's personal assistant [ten young men who have followed the victim loyally for many years]

"Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin. Do you know anything offending about the victim?"

The assistant's voice was filled with panic: "Offended anyone? I don't know. I have always worked hard to ensure that the victim's interpersonal relationship is harmonious and I have not offended anyone..."

Qi Lin nodded. The assistant's answer didn't bring him many clues. After thanking the assistant for his cooperation, he continued to dial the next number. This is because a relative of the victim had a dispute with the victim over inheritance issues.

"Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin. Is there any hatred between you and the victim?" Qi Lin asked directly.

The relative's voice sounded angry: "Of course I hate him! He has always played the role of a dictator in the family and treated his relatives like servants. But I just hated him and didn't poison him!"

Qi Lin smiled slightly, feeling a little relieved by this relative's anger. At least 0.0, this person does not hide his emotions.

In the days that followed, Qi Lin continued the investigation, talking to each suspect one by one, and conducting an in-depth analysis of their psychological motivations and behavioral patterns. He is as sharp as a cheetah, sniffing out every possible clue.

Finally, he found a flaw. He noticed a subtle unnaturalness in the words of the victim's assistant. He asked his assistant again, digging deeper. .

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