"Please think carefully again, has the victim offended anyone?" Qi Lin asked.

The assistant hesitated for a moment, then said: "Actually, there is one thing. The victim once rejected a supplier's contract, causing that supplier to go bankrupt. The supplier threatened to retaliate."

Qi Lin's heart brightened, this clue might be the key. He quickly investigated the supplier and discovered that he had the motive and ability to carry out the poisoning. After a battle of wits and courage, the supplier finally collapsed and admitted the fact of poisoning.

The case was successfully solved and Qi Lin returned to the office. He looked at the sunshine outside the window and felt filled with a sense of accomplishment. Through dialogue and observation, he successfully revealed 25 cases of a complex poisoning case. For him, this was not only a victory in detective work, but also a profound insight into human nature.

He picked up the phone and dialed the number of his friend Li Jun from the police station. "Li Jun, I just took over an animal trafficking case. Where do you think we should start?" Qi Lin asked.

"Oh, Brother Lin, you have found the right person. I happened to see a clue yesterday, which may be related to this case." Li Jun's voice was full of excitement.

"Oh? Tell me." Qi Lin's spirit was lifted.

"I found a mysterious digital password on a social platform. I suspect it is a code for animal trafficking. I need to further verify it." Li Jun explained.

"Okay, I'll come to you right now and let's study it together." Qi Lin made a decisive decision.

After the two met, they quickly launched an investigation. After a day of hard work, they successfully cracked the code and discovered a hidden underground trading market. Qi Lin and Li Jun decided to investigate that night.

As night falls, the underground trading market is bustling with people and full of weird atmosphere. Qi Lin and Li Jun sneaked in quietly and secretly observed the surrounding movements. They discovered that this market actually had strict security measures. It seemed that the criminal organization behind it was indeed not simple.

Suddenly, a man wearing a black windbreaker caught Qi Lin's attention. He whispered to Li Jun: "Look at that man, he behaves sneakily, there must be something wrong.

The two quietly followed the man and came to a remote corner. The man seemed to notice something and suddenly turned around. Qi Lin and Li Jun were stunned for a moment, then revealed their identities: "We are the police, please cooperate with the investigation.

The man looked frightened and tried to escape, but was quickly subdued by Qi Lin. After some interrogation, they learned that the man's name was Zhang San and that he was a member of the animal trafficking gang. Through this underground trading market, they illegally sell rare animals to all over the world and make huge profits.

"We must find other members of this gang as soon as possible and save the trafficked animals." Qi Lin's eyes flashed with determination.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Li Jun followed the clues and gradually revealed the huge network of animal trafficking gangs. They found that this gang not only involved domestic but also had close ties with foreign criminal organizations.

After careful deployment, the police finally launched an operation to close the network. In an early morning raid, the leader and key members of the gang were successfully captured. The rescued animals were properly resettled, and the criminal gang was finally brought to justice. .

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