Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

537: I Have Been Working Here For Two Years

Qi Lin and Li Jun stood at the door of the police station, watching the escorted criminals leave. "Another case has been solved. We are really getting closer to each other." Li Jun smiled and patted Qi Lin on the shoulder.

"Yes, this case made us realize how important it is to protect animals and maintain ecological balance. Maybe we can pay more attention to cases in this area in the future and do our part for nature." Qi Lin said with deep feeling .

On this day, he received a case of illegally cutting down trees, which made him feel both excited and confused.

Qi Lin came to the scene of the crime, and a forest that was destroyed beyond recognition appeared in front of him. Traces of felled trees were clearly visible, and sawdust and tools were scattered on the ground. Qi Lin squatted down and carefully observed these traces, trying to find some clues.

Just then, a uniformed policeman came over. He is Qi Lin's colleague, named Li Ming.

Qi Lin, you came at the right time! Li Ming said, this case is really a headache! We have been investigating for several days and have no clue at all.

Qi Lin smiled slightly. He knew that Li Ming was an honest person, but sometimes he lacked some imagination.

Li Ming, look here. Qi Lin pointed to the marks on the ground and said that the trees were felled in a very regular way and the tools were also very professional. I suspect this is an organized crime.

Li Ming frowned, thought for a while and then said: You are right, but we have no evidence to prove that this is an organized crime. We can only start the investigation from scratch.

Qi Lin nodded, knowing that Li Ming was right. They need to find more clues to solve the mystery.

So Qi Lin and Li Ming began their investigation. They first went to a nearby wood processing plant, hoping to find some useful information.

In the processing factory, they met a young worker named Zhang Qiang. Qi Lin asked him some questions about wood processing, hoping to find some clues.

Zhang Qiang, how long have you been working here? Qi Lin asked.

Zhang Qiang thought for a while and replied: I have been working here for two years.

Then you should know a lot about wood processing, right? Qi Lin continued to ask.

Zhang Qiang nodded and said: Yes, I am very familiar with wood processing.

Qi Lin smiled and said: Can you tell me where these trees will go after they are cut down?

Zhang Qiang thought for a moment, and then said: These trees will be sent to our processing factory for processing, and then sold to various construction companies and furniture factories.

Qi Lin and Li Ming looked at each other and felt that this clue was very important. They decided to investigate the construction companies and furniture factories that purchased the trees.

In the following days, Qi Lin and Li Ming ran around and investigated one construction company and furniture factory after another. They asked a lot of questions and collected a lot of information.

Finally one day, they found an important clue. In the office of a construction company, they found a contract stating that the company had purchased a large number of trees.

Qi Lin and Li Ming high-fived each other excitedly, feeling that they were getting closer to the truth. They decided to continue investigating the construction company further.

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