The door was pushed open, and deputy Li Hao walked in. He looked at the glass bead in Qi Lin's hand and frowned: "Brother Lin, we have been lingering on clues about the smuggling case for several days. This glass bead, really Can you provide any clues?"

Qi Lin smiled and pointed to the report in Li Hao's hand: "Look, this is the transaction record of the smuggling case we found. All transactions are marked with this glass bead. It is definitely not "657" "They are ordinary glass beads."

Li Hao took the report in confusion, looked at the series of complicated transaction records, and couldn't help but be speechless: "How did they do such a complicated transaction network?"

Qi Lin stood up and walked to the window: "This is the problem we need to solve. This smuggling gang is very cunning. They took advantage of the city's complex terrain and network of people to make our tracking very difficult." He looked at his hand The glass beads inside said deeply, "But we have an advantage, that is, what they don't know, is our determination and wisdom.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Li Hao followed the clues of the smuggling transaction and solved layer after layer of mysteries. They discovered that the glass beads were actually the secret code of the smuggling gang. Each glass bead had a different meaning, representing the time, place and goods of the transaction.

One rainy night, they came to a trading place again. Looking at the figure in the dark, Qi Lin gently shook Li Hao's hand: "Are you ready?"

Li Hao nodded, and the two approached quietly. In an instant, the glass bead in Qi Lin's hand flew out and hit the figure in the dark. The figure fell down in pain, and they immediately stepped forward to subdue him.

After an overnight interrogation, they successfully eliminated the smuggling gang. When we walked out of the police station, it was already dawn. Qi Lin looked at the glass bead in his hand, smiled and said to Li Hao: "Look, this glass bead is now our symbol of victory."

Li Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, Brother Lin, we won." He looked at the sky, "It's dawn, we can go home.

One day, Qi Lin received an urgent case - a sewage discharge case. According to reports, a large factory was suspected of illegally discharging toxic wastewater, seriously polluting nearby water sources and ecological environment. This case has attracted widespread attention from society, and people have called on Qi Lin to reveal the truth and seek justice for the victims...

Qi Lin immediately launched an investigation and came to the location of the factory. The factory door was closed, and there was silence all around. Qi Lin looked carefully and found a crack in the factory wall, and decided to enter from there.

Qi Lin carefully climbed over the wall and entered the factory. He looked around and found that the factory was filled with a pungent smell and the ground was covered with sewage and garbage. He frowned, feeling angry at the illegal behavior of this factory.

Qi Lin started looking for clues and walked into an abandoned warehouse. The warehouse was filled with various discarded items, and Qi Lin searched carefully. Suddenly at 3.6, he found a notebook forgotten in the corner.

Qi Lin opened his notebook, which recorded some data and operating procedures about the factory's sewage discharge. He flipped through it quickly, his brows gradually furrowing. The data showed that the factory's emissions far exceeded legal standards and that they used a special chemical to mask the smell of sewage. .

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