Qi Lin decided to continue an in-depth investigation and found the person in charge of the factory. The person in charge is a middle-aged man who looks a little cunning. Qi Lin asked bluntly: "Why do you illegally discharge sewage? This has caused huge harm to the environment and people's lives!"

The person in charge smiled slyly and said: "We do this for profit. Discharging sewage can reduce costs and increase profits. As for the environment and people's lives, that is only secondary."

Qi Lin glared at the person in charge angrily and said: "Your actions are illegal and you must bear legal responsibility! I will expose your crimes and let more people know the truth!"

The person in charge sneered and said: "You think you can stop us at 25? We have bribed government officials, and you don't have any evidence to prove our crimes."

Qi Lin was not discouraged, he said: "I will find evidence! I will let the law punish you!"

Qi Lin left the factory and decided to find the victims to learn about the situation. He came to a polluted small village, where the villagers were struggling. They told Qi Lin that their water sources had been polluted, crops could not grow, and life had become difficult.

Qi Lin deeply felt the pain of the victims, and he was determined to seek justice for them. He began to collect evidence and investigate the factory's sewage pipes and sewage treatment facilities. After some hard work, he finally found a key document.

This document shows that the factory's sewage pipes and sewage treatment facilities are false and they have not performed any treatment at all. Qi Lin returned to the factory with this document and found the person in charge.

The person in charge's face changed after seeing the document. He knew that his crime had been exposed. He tried to escape, but was caught by Qi Lin.

Qi Lin handed over the person in charge to the police and handed over the evidence to the media.

Eventually, the factory managers were sentenced to prison, and they were forced to compensate the victims for their losses.

He once again faced a difficult murder case, and this time the case seemed even more complicated and confusing.

"Qi Lin, what do you think?" asked his old partner, Officer Li, who is an experienced detective and has been working with Qi Lin for many years.

"This case is very difficult." Qi Lin replied, "The victim was a woman who was killed by her lover in the room, and there was no trace of damage in the room. It looked like a perfect crime."

"So, what do you think the killer's motive is?" Officer Li asked.

"It's not clear yet, but there must be an emotional entanglement with the victim." Qi Lin said, "We need to find the social relationships of the 513 victim, find the men who have an emotional relationship with her, and then investigate them one by one."

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Officer Li began arduous investigation work. They traced the victim's social circle and discovered three men who may have been romantically involved with the victim.

The first was the victim's ex-boyfriend. They had broken up for some time but had recently started to contact each other again. The second man was a colleague of the victim. They had completed a project together and had asked the victim out on the day of his death. The third man was a man the victim met on the Internet, and their chat records were full of ambiguous tones. .

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