"This case is getting more and more interesting." Officer Li said, "Everyone seems to have a motive, but everyone also has an alibi. What should we do?

"We need to investigate these three people more deeply." Qi Lin replied, "Especially the Internet man, we need to find out his true identity."

After further investigation, Qi Lin and Officer Li discovered some interesting clues. Although the victim's ex-boyfriend had an alibi on the day of the crime, the reason they reconnected was because the victim discovered some of his infidelity and threatened to expose it publicly. Although the second man also invited the victim out on the night of the incident, he insisted that their relationship was just an ordinary colleague and there was no emotional entanglement.

Finally, they focused on the third man, the Internet man. After tracking, they discovered that the man was actually an experienced hacker who was good at using network technology to conceal his true identity. The ambiguous chat records between him and the victim were just to cover up the financial transactions between them.

"It seems we have found the murderer"~. "Qi Lin said with a smile. Through network tracking and data analysis, they locked the hacker's location and finally arrested him. After interrogation, the hacker admitted his crime. He was because of a money dispute with the victim. He became murderous. He used his skills to enter the victim's room, killed her, and then carefully covered up all traces.

"This case has finally been solved." Officer Li said with emotion, "It seems that we still need to investigate more deeply to find the real murderer."

"That's right." Qi Lin nodded and said, "This case has taught us a lesson. We cannot let go of any clue easily. Only by digging deeply can we find the truth." He raised his head and looked at the sky outside the window, his heart full of satisfaction. feel. Once again, they revealed the truth and the victims sought justice.

Once, it was a murder case, a terrifying mystery.

The crime scene was a luxurious villa, and the house was in a mess. A young woman fell to the ground, her body covered in blood. Her eyes were empty, as if telling the fear of her life. Qi Lin walked into the room and looked around, trying to find a clue from this chaotic scene.

"This is a murder case of love." Qi Lin said to himself.

"How did you know?" Assistant Xiao Yang asked puzzledly.

"..." Judging from the expression of the deceased and the blood stains at the scene, this case was not a simple murder, but a murder of love and hatred. "Qi Lin explained.

Xiao Yang nodded to express his understanding.

Qi Lin walked to the body and carefully observed the wounds of the deceased. He found a deep knife mark on the deceased's chest, apparently caused by a sharp instrument piercing the heart. The murderer's movements were very skillful, and he killed with one knife, leaving no chance for the deceased to resist.

(Zhao Hao) "The murderer must be a master." Qi Lin said with a frown.

"Then what should we do now?" Xiao Yang asked anxiously.

"First, we have to find out the identity of the deceased." Qi Lin said and began to look for clues in the room.

After some searching, they found the deceased's cell phone. Qi Lin opened his phone and found that there were many missed calls and text messages inside. He checked it carefully and found that one of the text messages caught his attention. .

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