"Meet you at the same place tonight at eight o'clock." The content of the text message was very simple, but it revealed an unusual atmosphere.

"Where will this 'old place' be?" Qi Lin thought.

"Should we go find the person who sent the text message?" Xiao Yang suggested.

"Well, that's a good idea." Qi nodded in agreement.

So, based on the clues in the text message, they came to an abandoned factory. It was once a bustling industrial area, but now it has been abandoned for many years and has become a hiding place for criminals.

They walked into the factory cautiously and found a dilapidated room inside. The room was filled with various weapons and drugs, and it was obvious that this was a gangster's lair.

"Look 503, we've found the right place." Qi Lin said.

They continued deep into the factory and finally found a suspicious person in a corner. This man was hiding in the corner, looking panicked.

"Who are you?" Qi Lin stepped forward and asked coldly.

"I...I'm just an ordinary worker." The man stammered.

"An ordinary worker?" Qi Lin sneered, "The blood on your hands hasn't dried yet, right?"

The man's face suddenly changed, knowing that he could no longer escape. He knelt on the ground and cried bitterly: "Please let me go (cfae), I really don't know what happened."

Qi Lin looked at him, a trace of pity flashing in his eyes. He knew that this man was not the real murderer, but just a poor scapegoat.

"Tell me, who asked you to come here?" Qi Lin asked sternly.

The man hesitated for a moment and finally said, "It's a man named Aaron."

"Along?" Qi Lin frowned, as if he had heard this name somewhere.

"Aaron is the boss here. He controls the entire gang." The man continued, "Last night, he suddenly received a phone call, and then he asked me to hide here."

"Who made that call?" Qi Lin asked.

"I don't know." The man shook his head and said, "Aaron has never told me these things.

Qi Lin knew that this Aaron must be related to this murder case. He decided to find out the mastermind and seek justice for the deceased.

After some investigation, they finally found Aaron's hiding place. This is a luxurious villa located in the heart of the city. Aaron is the boss of this gang. He has hundreds of members and is very powerful.

Qi Lin and Xiao Yang quietly approached the villa, preparing to capture Aaron in one fell swoop. However, just as they were about to take action, there was a burst of gunfire.

It turned out that Aaron had already noticed their whereabouts and sent his men to stop them. Qi Lin and Xiao Yang immediately started a fierce battle and fought to the death with the gangsters.

After a thrilling battle, they finally defeated all the gangsters and successfully captured Aaron. However, when they brought Aaron back to the police station, they found that Aaron had died in the interrogation room.

"What's going on?" Xiao Yang asked in surprise.

Qi Lin looked at Aaron's body with a trace of doubt in his eyes. He knew that there must be a bigger secret hidden behind this murder case. And this secret is probably only known to the deceased.

In order to uncover this mystery, Qi Lin decided to investigate the case in depth. He believes that as long as he keeps working hard, he will one day be able to find the truth and seek justice for the deceased. .

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