Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

544: We Still Need To Continue Investigating.

The employee's face turned pale and he could not answer the question. Qi Lin knew that he had found an important clue.

Qi Lin continued to have conversations with other employees, and through their words and expressions, he gradually revealed the truth about this commercial espionage case. It turned out that the case was planned by an internal employee who took advantage of his position to steal the company's core secrets. In order to cover up his crime, this employee deliberately created a series of falsehoods in an attempt to mislead the investigation.

After Qi Lin collected all the evidence, he handed over the internal employee to the police. The commercial espionage case was finally resolved and the company resumed normal operations.

This case is very difficult. The trade secrets of a well-known company were leaked, causing significant economic losses. The company's CEO personally found Qi Lin, hoping that he could find out the mastermind behind the scenes.

Qi Lin began to review the documents one by one and communicate with the company's employees. His eyes are sharp and he doesn't miss any clue.

"Who do you think is the most likely suspect?" Qi Lin asked the company's IT manager.

The IT manager hesitated and said: "I think it may be our competitors who have been trying to obtain our core technology.

Qi Lin nodded, expressing understanding. He turned to the manager of the sales department: "Have you come into contact with any suspicious people recently?"

The sales manager recalled: "There was a customer who kept asking for detailed information about our products. I was a little suspicious of his motives."

Qi Lin wrote down the name and decided to investigate further.

After several days of in-depth investigation, Qi Lin discovered some interesting clues. The customer mentioned by the sales manager actually has close contact with the CEO of a competitor company.

Qi Lin's heart moved and he decided to talk to this customer.

The customer looked very nervous. Faced with Qi Lin's questioning, he initially denied everything. But after Qi Lin presented evidence one after another, he finally collapsed.

"I admit that I was bribed by the CEO of a rival company. I leaked secrets, but I was just doing it for money. I really didn't expect that it would cause such a big loss." The client confessed the crime with tears in his eyes.

Qi Lin took a deep breath. He successfully cracked the commercial espionage case... He immediately notified the company CEO and told him that the criminal had been arrested.

The CEO was very grateful: "Qi Lin, you are really the savior of our company. I will call the police immediately and let this criminal receive the punishment he deserves."

Qi Lin shook his head: "This matter is not over yet. Although we have found the direct criminal, the man behind the scenes is still at large. We need more evidence to prosecute the CEO of the competitor company.

The CEO was stunned: "You mean, we still need to continue the investigation?"

Qi Lin nodded: "Yes. There must be more secrets behind this case. We can't let the criminals escape so easily."

In the following days, Qi Lin once again devoted himself to the intense investigation of 2.4. He followed the CEO of a rival company and collected evidence, hoping to find evidence of the mastermind behind the scenes.

Finally, during a late-night investigation, Qi Lin discovered key evidence. He witnessed a secret meeting between the CEO of a rival company and a foreign agent. It turned out that this commercial espionage case was just part of a larger espionage operation. .

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