Qi Lin's heart was filled with anger and determination. He decided to thoroughly expose the case and protect the interests of the country and the company.

With the support of the police, Qi Lin and his team launched a thrilling pursuit. They successfully arrested all those involved and exposed the entire spy network.

Finally, in court, the criminals got the punishment they deserved. Company secrets were protected and financial losses were recouped.

The clues to the hit-and-run case were messy and trivial, and he needed to put all the pieces together to find the truth.

Sitting opposite were the families of the victims, their eyes full of anticipation and anxiety. Qi Lin was silent for a while, and then said: "I understand your pain, and I will do my best to find the perpetrator25."

The family members nodded gratefully, and one man said: "Thank you, Detective Qi. We hope to find the truth so that my mother can rest in peace."

Qi Lin nodded and began his investigation. He first went to the scene of the accident and talked with witnesses at the time. Their descriptions gave him a preliminary impression of the vehicle involved. Then, he came to the traffic police brigade and carefully studied the surveillance video on the day of the accident.

During the conversation with the traffic police, Qi Lin learned that the vehicle involved in the accident was a black car with the license plate number deliberately blocked. This clue excited him because it was the key to finding the perpetrator.

In the next few days, Qi Lin began arduous tracking. He visited every auto repair shop in the city, looking for the black car. He also contacted every car dealer to try to find the owner of the car.

After countless failures and setbacks, Qi Lin finally found the black car in a remote repair shop. He excitedly called the traffic police brigade and asked them to send someone over to confirm.

When people from the traffic police brigade came to the repair shop, Qi Lin was carefully inspecting the car. He looked at the deliberately obscured license plate number, filled with anger. He turned his head and said to the traffic police: "Look, this is the vehicle that caused the accident."

The traffic police began to conduct inspections. After some comparison and confirmation, they concluded that this car was the vehicle involved in the hit-and-run accident. When Qi Lin heard the news, he felt excited

He finally found the perpetrator.

What happened next was much smoother. Based on the vehicle registration information, Qi Lin and the traffic police quickly found the address of the perpetrator. They rushed in and captured the perpetrator while he was still asleep.

In the interrogation room, the perpetrator tried to deny it at first, but in the face of Qi Lin's careful reasoning and conclusive evidence, he finally collapsed and admitted his crime.

Qi Lin sat on the chair and looked at the perpetrator in front of him, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction. He knows that he has completed his mission, found the truth and obtained justice for the victims.

He stood up, walked out of the interrogation room, and came to the waiting room of the victim's family. When they saw him, they immediately surrounded him and asked anxiously: "Have you found it? Have you found the perpetrator?"

Qi Lin nodded, smiled and said: "Found it. The perpetrator has admitted his crime. You can rest in peace."

The family members burst into tears when they heard the news. They cried, laughed, and thanked Qi Lin. Qi Lin looked at them, his heart filled with warmth. He knew that this was the meaning of being a detective. .

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