"That night, I saw a man in a black coat leaving the scene in a hurry." A witness said.

Qi Lin noted this, then turned to another witness: "What did you see?"

"I...I seemed to see a flash point, like the moment a lighter was lit." the witness replied tremblingly.

Qi Lin and the director looked at each other: "It seems we have found some interesting clues~"

After several days of investigation, Qi Lin finally pieced together all the clues. He summoned everyone at the police station.

"We already know who the arsonist is." Qi Lin said firmly.

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

"Based on the descriptions of witnesses, we know that the arsonist wore a black coat and used a lighter to ignite the accelerant. By comparing the traces left at the scene, we can determine that the arsonist is the victim's business competitor Li Ming." Qi Lin explained.

The director's eyes widened: "Li Ming? How could he have the motive to do this?"

"In order to defeat competitors and gain greater market share, he planned this arson and wanted to leave the victims with nothing," Qi Lin said.

The police station quickly arrested Li Ming and brought him to justice. In the interrogation room, Li Ming faced Qi Lin's questioning and initially wanted to quibble.

"Li Ming, how do you explain the traces of accelerant and your lighter left at the scene?" Qi Lin pressed.

Li Ming was silent for a while, then sneered: "I'm just a businessman, how do I know this?"

"Then how do you explain the black coat and flash of light seen by witnesses?" Qi Lin asked.

Li Ming was speechless. Under Qi Lin's continuous questioning, his psychological defense finally collapsed. He lowered his head in frustration: "I did it. I didn't expect you to find me so quickly."

Li Ming was successfully prosecuted and his business conspiracy was exposed. The rights and interests of the victims have been safeguarded and justice has been served. The police station held a celebration party for Qi Lin

"Qi Lin, how did you do it?" the director asked with a smile.

Qi Lin smiled: "Observation, analysis and reasoning. These are my basic qualities as a detective." He paused, "But the most important thing is that I believe that justice will always defeat evil."

When Qi Lin arrived at the scene, the entire building had been completely burned down, leaving only ruins. He carefully observed the scene and communicated with firefighters, police and other relevant personnel. He knew that solving the mystery would require patient investigation and evidence collection.

.........Please give me flowers...

The next morning, Qi Lin went to a cafe near the crime scene and met with a witness named Mark. Mark, a young architect, told Qi Lin that he had seen two suspicious people entering the building before the fire.


Qi Lin was very interested and asked Mark: "Can you describe the appearance of those two suspicious people?"

Mark recalled: "One was a tall man, wearing a long black trench coat and sunglasses; the other was a short man, with a bald head and wearing a gray sportswear.

Qi Lin thought for a moment, did they bring anything with them when they entered the building?"

Mark responded: "I'm not sure, but it looks like one of the guys was holding a container full of liquid."

This clue aroused Qi Lin's interest. He realized that this was probably an arson case, and the murderer seemed to have left some clues about himself. .

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