Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

549: There Is Still A Glimmer Of Hope

Qi Lin continued the investigation and obtained surveillance video from a nearby convenience store on the night of the incident. In the video, he saw the images of the two suspicious people, which completely matched Mark's description. Shortly after they entered the building, the fire began to spread.

Qi Lin decided to investigate the two suspects in depth. He analyzed the crime scene and surveillance video, determined the point of fire, and found some doubts. He found a plastic bottle filled with "420" combustible material near the fire point, which was probably evidence left by the arsonist.

Qi Lin went to the local police station, submitted the evidence, and proposed that the suspect's portrait be released to the media so that the public could provide more clues. He and the police jointly formulated an action plan, hoping to bring the murderer to justice as soon as possible.

A few days later, Qi Lin received an anonymous call. The other party claimed to know the truth of the case and asked him to meet in an abandoned warehouse. Qi Lin rushed to the warehouse with ten capable investigation teams.

When they arrived, they found that Qi Lin and his investigation team found the warehouse door open, and an eerie atmosphere filled the air. While cautiously exploring the interior of the warehouse, they suddenly heard footsteps.

Qi Lin signaled the team members to hide against the wall and prepare to face possible dangers. The footsteps got closer and closer, and then several figures walked out of the darkness.

One of them said loudly: "Are you the detective named Qi Lin?"

Qi Lin looked at them alertly and replied: "Yes, I am Qi Lin. Who are you? Why do you want to contact me?"

One of them slowly took off his hat, revealing a gloomy-looking man with a contemptuous smile on his lips. "I am the mastermind behind the arson case, you can call me Vulcan. I know you have found a lot of evidence, but I don't intend to let you expose it.

Qi Lin frowned slightly and said calmly: "Why do you want to be angry? What is the purpose?"

Vulcan laughed sarcastically, "Purpose? Do you think I will tell you? This city is already too corrupt, I just want to give it a thorough cleansing.

Qi Lin calmly continued to ask: "What is the special reason why you chose this building?"

Vulcan sneered and replied: "The secrets hidden in this building will reveal the dark side of the city, and all corrupt elements will have no way to hide... I will make them pay."

Qi Lin took a deep breath and tried to stabilize his emotions. "Arson is not the answer. What you do will only bring more destruction and harm. Please put down your weapons and accept justice."

Vulcan laughed mockingly: "Justice? Is there still justice? This society has long been corrupted by corruption and greed. I just did what I should do."

Qi Lin stared at Vulcan's eyes, trying to find a topic to win over him. "Perhaps, we can find other solutions. We can change the city together and give the people a clean environment."

Vulcan was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking about Qi 1.1 Lin's words. "Do you really think this city can be saved?"

Qi Lin nodded firmly: "I believe that as long as we work together, we can restore the beauty of this city. Put down your hatred and let us pursue justice together."

Vulcan pondered for a moment, and finally put down the weapon in his hand, his eyes showing a trace of confusion. "Maybe you are right. Maybe there is a glimmer of hope."

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