"Qi Lin, what do you think?" Next to him, Director Li of the police station frowned at the report in his hand.

Qi Lin turned around and said in a deep voice: "This abduction case is unlike any case we have dealt with before. The criminals seem to have a complete network, they have careful plans and covert actions. We need to find a breakthrough.

Director Li nodded and said, "Then I'll leave it to you, Qi Lin. If you need any support, just tell me."

Qi Lin smiled slightly and said: 25 "What I need is time and every corner of this city."

In the days that followed, Qi Lin shuttled around every corner of the city like a shadow. He talked to various people, looking for any possible clues. His ears are filled with all kinds of sounds, from the noisy market to the silent alleys, every sound may reveal the truth.

"Do you know? I once saw a suspicious person who always appeared in this alley late at night." An old man told Qi Lin at the end of the alley.

"Thank you, Yin Ye. Can you describe his appearance?" Qi Lin asked.

The old man nodded and began to describe. Qi Lin listened carefully, every detail may become the key to solving the case.

After countless days and nights of hard work, Qi Lin finally found the secret trafficking network. He revealed a shocking truth: this network was actually related to some of the city's top brass.

In a tense confrontation, Qi Lin successfully sent the leader of the network to the police station. Those who were trafficked were rescued and returned to their families.

"Qi Lin, you did it." Director Li looked at Qi Lin with respect in his eyes.

Qi Lin smiled lightly and said: "I just did what I should do." He looked out the window, the sun was shining in every corner, as if he was also celebrating this victory. However, he knows

This is just one of his many challenges as a detective.

In the days after revealing the trafficking network, Qi Lin did not stop. He continues to search for new clues and solve more mysteries in the city. He knew that his work was far from done.

"Qi Lin, there is a new case that needs your help." One day, Director Li found Qi Lin again.

Qi Lin looked at Director Li and smiled slightly: "I'm ready, Director. New challenges are waiting for me, and I will do my best to complete them.

Detective Qi Lin walked through the dark streets following the traces of rain. His coat was soaked, but the nervousness on his body did not weaken at all. He has been looking for clues and believes that he is close to the truth.

Suddenly, the lights of a cafe caught his eye. He decided to go in and rest for a while, looking for some warmth. When he walked into the cafe, there was only a young woman sitting at table 620 in the corner. Her eyes were wandering and she looked uneasy.

Qi Lin walked up to the woman, smiled and said, "Good evening, can I sit here?"

The woman raised her head and looked at Qi Lin in surprise. "Of course, please sit down." She replied.

"Thank you." Qi Lin sat down and said, "You look a little troubled, do you need help? I am a detective, maybe I can provide some help.

The woman nodded silently, with a hint of expectation on her face. "My name is Maria, and my sister disappeared a few days ago. The police have started investigating, but there is no news so far."

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