Qi Lin frowned, knowing that this might be related to the abduction case he had recently cracked. "Maria, I will try my best to help you find your sister. Please tell me all the details you think will help in this matter."

Maria clutched the cup in her hand and said tremblingly: "My sister's name is Amy, and she is a college student. She went to a friend's party on Tuesday night and never came home. We tried to contact her, but the phone failed. It’s always off.”

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then asked: "Do you know the address where she attended the party? And did she behave in any unusual way when she left?"

Maria closed her eyes and recalled that night. "She went to a villa in the north of the city. According to her friends, Amy seemed happy that night and did not show any abnormal behavior. She just said she was going to a party and promised not to go home too late. .”

Qi Lin nodded and began to connect the information. "Maria, I need you to provide a picture of Amy and the names of any contacts who may be involved in her disappearance. I will also contact the police as soon as possible to make sure they are aware of the situation."

Maria handed Qi Lin a photo and named several friends. Qi Lin took out his notebook and recorded it carefully. "Thank you very much for your cooperation, Maria. I will launch an investigation as soon as possible, and I believe we can find Amy."

After a few days, Qi Lin collected a lot of information. He found inconsistencies in the accounts of several partygoers. So, he decided to summon all the people involved in the case for questioning0

He invited Maria, the party host, and several other partygoers to his office. Qi Lin organized the case information and prepared a series of questions.

When everyone gathered in the office, Qi Lin looked at everyone seriously. He said: "Hello everyone, I am Detective Qi Lin. I am investigating the case of Amy's disappearance. I hope you can assist me. First of all, I want to hear everyone's memories of what happened that night."

A young man named Jack, who had been hosting the party, stood up. "That night we had a small party in the villa, with about a dozen people. Amy came earlier and had a great time with everyone at the party."

Qi Lin nodded and signaled Jack to continue.

"Later, I remember that in the middle of the party, Amy answered a phone call and then disappeared. I thought she was just going out to take a phone call, so I didn't pay much attention to it," Jack explained.

Qi Lin frowned, "Do you know who called Amy?"

Jack shook his head, "I'm not sure. I just heard her say a few words, and her voice sounded a little anxious."

Qi Lin thought for a while, then turned to the others, "Have you noticed any suspicious people or abnormal behavior?"

A girl named Lily (Zhao Zhaohao) raised her head. "I remember a strange man showed up during the party and he looked suspicious. He was watching us but not talking to anyone."

Qi Lin asked further: "Can you describe the characteristics of that man?"

Lily frowned and recalled, "He was about thirty years old, tall, wearing a black hat and sunglasses. I remember he was wearing a dark coat and looked very taciturn.

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