Qi Lin recorded these details and then asked others if they had similar observations.

Several partygoers provided useful clues about the strange man's clothing, behavior and possible destination. Qi Lin feels that the investigation is gradually unfolding and getting closer to the truth.

Qi Lin then began to analyze each person's testimony and found some contradictions. He focused on a man named Chris because his testimony was different from what others said.

Qi Lin looked at Chris closely, "Can you explain why you concealed what happened that night?"

Chris seemed a little nervous, but still replied: "I...I did not tell the truth. After I saw the strange man talking to Amy, I followed him. I was just 310 worried about her safety."

Qi Lin took a deep breath. This clue exactly corresponded to the information provided by Lily.

Qi Lin decided to adopt a strategy, hoping to obtain more useful information from Chris. He deliberately relaxed his expression and softened the tone of his voice.

"Chris, I understand your concerns. We all want to find Amy and keep her safe. However, we need to be honest with each other in this investigation so we can find her as quickly as possible. If you have any additional information, either Please tell me about the strange man and Amy's (chcf) whereabouts.

Chris obviously relaxed a little because of Qi Lin's gentle attitude. He took a deep breath and started talking: "Actually, when I followed the strange man, I saw him taking Amy into a black car. They drove towards the north of the city."

Qi Lin stared at Chris intently. This detail seemed to be ten parts of the important clue. "Do you remember the car's license plate serial number or other characteristics that could help us track it?"

Chris shook his head, "I'm sorry, I didn't see it clearly. But, I remember there was a special sign on the car, which looked like a triangle."

Qi Lin thought that this triangular sign might be the key to finding the car. "Thank you for your cooperation, Chris. I will investigate this lead as quickly as possible and share our findings with the police."

As the questioning ended, Maria, Jack, Lily and Chris left Qi Lin's office. Qi Lin picked up the phone and immediately contacted the local police who provided them with the latest information.

In the next few days, Qi Lin cooperated closely with the police. Based on the clues provided by Chris, they began to track the black car and conduct in-depth investigations into nearby people and places.

Finally, during a raid, the police successfully found the black car and rescued Amy. She was imprisoned in an abandoned warehouse, exhausted but uninjured.

After Amy regained her freedom, she hugged Maria tightly and burst into tears. Qi Lin stood aside and watched this scene with satisfaction. He knew that they successfully cracked the trafficking case

Recently, he received a difficult case - a jewelry theft case.

The case occurred in the city's central business district, where a jewelry store called "Diamond Kingdom" was robbed. According to the reporter, a batch of jewelry and diamonds worth millions was stolen. Qi Lin picked up the case file and carefully read the statements of each witness and suspect. .

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