A few days later, Qi Lin received a clue call. The voice of the person on the other end of the phone was low and mysterious: "Mr. Qi, I know you are investigating the theft of the 'Diamond Kingdom'. I have some important information, but I am only willing to hand it over to you in person."

Qi Lin immediately became alert, knowing that this clue might lead him to find the truth. He agreed to meet in a safe place.

When Qi Lin arrived at the agreed place, he saw a man in a black coat standing on the street corner. The man was tall and wore a black hat, which obscured his face. When Qi Lin approached, the man whispered: "Mr. Qi, I am an anonymous informant. I know the truth behind the theft in the 'Diamond Kingdom'."

Qi Lin looked at him alertly and asked: "How do you know this? Why do you tell me?"

The informant smiled and then began to explain: "I am an artist in this city. I worked as a part-time security guard in the 'Diamond Kingdom' for a period of time. Before the theft, there was a woman who frequently came in and out of the jewelry store. She She claimed to be a jewelry appraiser, but I doubted her motives. I noticed that she always wore black clothes and her eyes were wandering."

Qi Lin listened with interest and asked: "The woman you mentioned had been in and out of the jewelry store before the crime. Do you think she is related to the theft?"

The informant nodded and continued: "Exactly. In addition, I also found some other clues. I found a damaged surveillance camera, and on the day of the crime, the elevator records showed that someone used it frequently. w

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then said: "Thank you for providing this information. It is very important for the investigation of the case. However, I need more evidence to confirm your statement."

The informant nodded and handed Qi Lin a small package: "There is a surveillance video of the jewelry store and a background check information related to the woman.

Qi Lin took the package and said gratefully: "Thank you for your help. These evidences will play a key role in solving the case."

After the two said goodbye, Qi Lin quickly returned to the office. He couldn't wait to open the package and took out the video and background check information inside. He watched the video carefully and discovered some key details.

…Please give me flowers…

In the video, he saw the mysterious woman entering and exiting the jewelry store. Wearing a black suit and a sapphire pendant with diamonds, she communicated with the clerk calmly and confidently. Qi Lin noticed that her eyes were wandering, as if she was looking for some specific target.


Then, Qi Lin opened the background check information, which recorded the woman's identity information in detail. Her name is Li Mei, a well-known jewelry appraiser, known for her precise vision and rich experience. However, Qi Lin noticed something strange. Li Mei had just recently lost her job because she was fired from a jewelry company.

Qi Lin thought about these clues and began to connect the details of the case. He thought about the tipster's mention of broken surveillance cameras and frequent elevator use. These signs all point to the possibility of an insider.

Qi Lin decided to find Li Mei first and learn more about her situation. He checked the information and found that Li Mei lived in the East District of the city. He immediately drove to the address. .

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