When he arrived, he noticed a black car parked in front of Li Mei's apartment. He cautiously went upstairs and knocked on Li Mei's door.

The door slowly opened, and a beautiful and delicate woman appeared at the door. She looked like Li Mei. In Qi Lin's eyes, her eyes looked a little uneasy and nervous.

"Are you Mr. Qi?" Li Mei asked, with a hint of caution in her voice.

Qi Lin smiled slightly and said: "Yes, I am Mr. Qi Lin, a private detective. I am interested in the theft case of the 'Diamond Kingdom' [I would like to ask Miss Li

Li Mei hesitated for a moment, and then let Qi Lin enter the room. They sat on the sofa in the living room, and Qi Lin showed the video and investigation materials.

Li Mei's expression changed slightly, and her eyes began to avoid Qi Lin's gaze. Then, she said tremblingly: "I... I did go in and out of the 'Diamond Kingdom' but I didn't steal any jewelry! I was misunderstood by them!"

Qi Lin observed Li Mei's expression and reaction, and he knew it was time to use his detective skills.

"Ms. Li, I believe you have your own story. Maybe you can tell me why you were fired by that jewelry company? Also, what is your explanation for this theft?" Qi Lin asked gently.

Li Mei was silent for a moment and finally said: "In fact, I was fired because I discovered corruption and theft within the jewelry company. I tried to expose these illegal activities, but I was accused of falsely accusing my colleagues."

Li Mei's voice was full of helplessness and grievance, and she continued: "When I realized that 'Diamond Kingdom' also involved similar issues, I decided to investigate in depth. I wore black casual clothes in and out of the store to better observe and record Any suspicious behavior.11

Qi Lin listened carefully, and he began to trust Li Mei's words: "So, can you provide some evidence that is conducive to your innocence or other people's personal and material evidence that can prove your innocence?"

Li Mei thought for a moment, then took out a piece of paper from the drawer and handed it to Qi Lin: "This is the communication record I kept with the jewelry company, including emails and memos in which I reported corruption to my superiors."

Qi Lin took the paper, carefully read and checked the contents... These documents showed that Li Mei reported internal problems of the jewelry company to her superiors many times, and her words were firm and true.

"Ms. Li, these documents will indeed help prove your innocence and determination to expose internal problems. But we still need more evidence to overturn the suspicion against you." Qi Lin said solemnly.

Li Mei nodded, and she revealed to Qi Lin that a former employee named Zhang Wei was involved with the jewelry company. She knew that Zhang Wei once worked in an elevator maintenance company and had mastered the elevator monitoring system.

Qi Lin immediately launched an investigation, traced Zhang Wei's contact information, and met with him. During the long interrogation, Zhang Wei admitted that he had used the elevator surveillance system to help the thieves and helped them damage a surveillance camera. In order to protect himself, he pointed the finger at Li Mei.

Through clues and Zhang Wei's confession, Qi Lin successfully restored the entire theft process. In fact, Zhang Wei colluded with a group of theft gangs. They used the elevator monitoring loophole to enter the jewelry store and stole the jewelry with the help of Li Mei. .

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