Qi Lin submitted this series of evidence to the police to ensure Li Mei's acquittal and hunted down Zhang Wei and his accomplices.

The case took place in a high-end hotel. A wealthy businessman suddenly fainted after attending a dinner party. The hospital diagnosed it as poisoning. The case attracted widespread attention because the victim was a high-profile business tycoon and his death would have a huge impact on the entire industry.

Qi Lin read the report carefully, frowning. He noticed that a waiter named Li Ming was mentioned in the case. According to witnesses, he behaved abnormally on the night of the incident and had an argument with the victim. Although this is only a possibility, Qi Lin decided to give this clue some attention.

The next day, Qi Lin wore a crisp suit and went to the luxury hotel where the crime occurred. He found Li Ming, a young and doubtful face. Qi Lin stepped forward and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, I am Qi Lin, the detective investigating the case. I hope to have a conversation with you."

Li Ming looked at Qi Lin and relaxed slightly. He knew that if he could help solve the case, he would be free of all blame. He nodded in agreement and followed Qi Lin into a quiet room.

"Mr. Li, please sit down." Qi Lin invited him to sit on the chair opposite. "I would like to know something about what happened between you and the victim. It was reported that you had an argument with the victim?"

Li Ming nodded and said with a somewhat complicated expression: "Yes, Mr. Detective. That night, the victim made some very harsh demands on me. I feel that he treated me unfairly."

I tried to defend myself, but we ended up getting into an argument. "

"I can understand how you feel." Qi Lin said with a smile, "However, I need to confirm whether you have taken any action or other drastic actions."

Li Ming was stunned for a moment, then immediately shook his head and replied: "No, Mr. Detective, I didn't take action. I just expressed my dissatisfaction and left the scene.

Qi Lin nodded, he believed what Li Ming said. However, he also knew that this was only a small part of the case. "Mr. Lee, [I need you to provide all details related to the victim. Including any suspicious behavior you saw during the dinner."

After Li Ming thought for a moment, he began to describe the situation that night. He mentioned how the hotel's waiters were busy serving guests, and also mentioned that a waiter named Zhang Wei acted in an extra hurry during the dinner.

"Zhang Wei?" Qi Lin remembered the name, "How much do you know about him?"

Li Ming shook his head: "I don't know much about it. He is new and has just joined our team. 1013

Qi Lin interrupted Li Ming and added: "Thank you for providing this information, Mr. Li. I will further investigate Zhang Wei's situation and verify his actions on the night of the crime."

After Qi Lin left the room, he immediately contacted the hotel management and asked them to provide detailed background information about Zhang Wei. Soon after, Qi Lin received a document listing Zhang Wei's personal information and work experience.

According to the information, Zhang Wei is a young and promising waiter from a small city, and it is not common to work in such a high-end hotel. But what is strange is that he rose to a senior position in a short period of time without any questionable record. .

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