Qi Lin felt that the matter seemed not simple, and he decided to investigate further. He started talking to other hotel employees, especially those who had worked with Zhang Wei. After some questioning, he found some clues.

A waiter named Wang Gang revealed that Zhang Wei behaved abnormally after joining the company. He was always mysterious and unwilling to communicate too much with his colleagues. Moreover, on the night of the incident, he suddenly left work early because of physical discomfort. Wang Gang had a good relationship with Zhang Wei and once tried to ask about his situation, but Zhang Wei always avoided answering.

Qi Lin became very interested in these clues and found Zhang Wei's contact information. He called Zhang Wei and expressed his hope to meet and talk.

A few days later, Qi Lin and Zhang Wei met in a cafe. Qi Lin noticed Zhang Wei's nervous expression, and he tried to stay calm, "Mr. Zhang, I am Qi Lin, the detective investigating the case. I have some questions about you, and I hope you can answer them.

Zhang Wei frowned, but still nodded for Qi Lin to continue.

"According to my investigation, you left work early on the night of the incident and behaved abnormally after joining the company. Can you explain it?" Qi Lin asked bluntly.

Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, then said with a wry smile: "Mr. Detective, I did leave work early because I felt very uncomfortable. As for my performance at work, I just have some personal problems that are bothering me."

Qi Lin noticed that Zhang Wei's answer was somewhat contradictory. He decided to take a different approach and try to solve the mystery.

"Mr. Zhang, I believe you are no ordinary person. Did you have any contact with the victim on the night of the crime?"

Zhang Wei looked at Qi Lin in shock, then nodded thoughtfully, "Yes, I did have contact with him, but it was just a simple service job.

"Why do you want to hide this fact?" Qi Lin asked, his eyes sharp.

Zhang Wei was silent for a while, and then slowly told the truth. It turned out that there was a sad past between Zhang Wei and the victim. A few years ago, the victim was Zhang Wei's mentor and benefactor. The victim discovered Zhang Wei's talent and gave him the opportunity to enter the high-end service industry. However, as time went by, the victim gradually became arrogant and no longer treated Zhang Wei as friendly as before.

On the night of the incident, Zhang Wei saw the victim showing disdain and contempt for him during the dinner, which aroused the anger and pain he had suppressed for many years. At that moment, he decided to take revenge on the victim and make him taste all the pain.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and tried to understand Zhang Wei's inner conflict, "Mr. Zhang, you realized your mistake. But why did you choose to take such extreme action instead of talking to the victim?"

Zhang Wei lowered his head and shed tears. "I failed. I couldn't bear the humiliation he had given me. I knew it was the wrong choice, but anger and hatred drove me."

Qi Lin silently observed Zhang Wei, knowing (very well) that the young man had realized his mistake and suffered the painful consequences. Now, the key is to find a suitable way to solve this case.

"Mr. Zhang, your repentance and admission of mistake is a big step. I will provide this information to the police and help you seek legal forgiveness." Qi Lin said with a hint of comfort in his voice, "But at the same time, I also hope that you You can sincerely apologize to the victim's family and do everything possible to make up for your mistakes."

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