Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

557: The Beginning And End Of The Case

Zhang Wei nodded, hope shining in his eyes again. "Thank you, Mr. Detective. No matter what the cost, I am willing to take responsibility for my actions."

Qi Lin returned to the office and sorted out the collected evidence and conversation records. Although the poisoning case has been solved, there are still many problems that need to be solved. He decided to cooperate with the police and submit information to them for further investigation.

A few days later, Qi Lin received a notice from the police. Based on their investigation, they confirmed the fact that Zhang Wei poisoned and collected relevant evidence. Qi Lin was invited to attend the court hearing of the victim's family to help solve the case. 153

In court, Qi Lin met the victim's family members, who were filled with heavy sadness and anger. They want justice and severe punishment for the murderer.

Qi Lin walked up to the podium and faced the jury and family members. He cleared his throat and said, "Dear jury and family members, I am Qi Lin, the investigator of this case. I am here and I hope to tell you Explain something."

He described the entire case in detail.

Qi Lin decided to reveal Zhang Wei's past and motives to the jury and family members. He mentioned the relationship between Zhang Wei and the victim and Zhang Wei's suppressed anger and pain for many years.

"Dear jury and family members, I am not defending Zhang Wei or exonerating him. His actions were extremely wrong and heartbreaking, and we must be held accountable. However, I believe we should also understand and explore the deeper issues behind this case.”

Qi Lin continued to explain: "As a member of society, we need to think about how to prevent and deal with similar incidents. When individuals suffer humiliation, oppression and unfair treatment, some people may choose to retaliate or take extreme actions. We need to We strive to create a just and harmonious social environment where everyone can be respected and treated equally."

He apologized to the family, adding: "I understand your grief and anger, and your pursuit of justice is legitimate. We (chbg) will do our best to ensure that Zhang Wei is punished by the law and help you Seeking spiritual comfort and compensation.”

This passage touched some family members, and they began to reflect on the reasons behind the entire incident. Although they cannot forgive Zhang Wei's behavior, they are aware of the problems existing in society and hope to use this case as a reference to promote change.

In the end, the jury found Zhang Wei guilty and sentenced him to a corresponding prison term. At the same time, the victim's family members also expressed their hurt and psychological loss to Zhang Wei in court.

The case took place in a zoo, where several precious animals were stolen and probably sold on the black market. Qi Lin is determined to find out the masterminds and bring them to justice. He came to the zoo and met with the director Yang Ming.

"Director Yang, can you tell me the whole story of the case?" Qi Lin asked.

Yang Ming replied with a sad face: "This is a very troublesome case. We have already called the police, but the police have no clues. I hope you can help us solve this problem."

"Don't worry, I will do my best." Qi Lin replied. Please tell me the details. "

Yang Ming introduced the background of the case to Qi Lin. He said that in the past few months, five rare animals have gone missing from the zoo, including a Bengal tiger, two chimpanzees and two white rhinos. These animals are important resources of the park and have extremely high market value. .

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