"Have you noticed any suspicious behavior?" Qi Lin asked.

Yang Ming thought for a while and said: "We have asked the police for help, but they did not find any clues. We also installed surveillance cameras, but they always malfunctioned at those critical moments."

Qi Lin frowned slightly. "This is so strange, it seems like someone is behind it."

He asked Yang Ming to tell him the time and location of the recent thefts. After carefully studying this information, Qi Lin began to analyze the case.

"This is not a simple theft case." Qi Lin thought. "These animals are very rare and valuable in the market. Moreover, it seems that the perpetrators have a very good understanding of the internal situation of the zoo."

"Do you think it was done by an insider?" Yang Ming asked.

"It's possible." Qi Lin replied. "I want to do some research on the park employees first. Maybe they can provide some clues."

Yang Ming immediately arranged for employee investigation work. Qi Lin conducted face-to-face conversations with each employee and asked them about their views on the animal theft case.

During a conversation with a veterinarian named Li Chen, Qi Lin heard some interesting information. "I have found that some employees have behaved very strangely in recent months," Li Chen said. "They often enter the animal house alone and always carry something mysteriously." "

"Who are these employees?" Qi Lin asked.

Li Chen thought for a while. "There are three people: Wang Qiang, Zhang Xiao and Liu Ming." He replied. "They are all security guards at the park."

Qi Lin decided to start with these three security guards. He asked Yang Ming to call them to the office for further questioning.

Soon after, Wang Qiang, Zhang Xiao and Liu Ming were brought to Qi Lin. They looked nervous, obviously aware that they had become suspects.

"Do you three have any explanation?" Qi Lin asked bluntly.

Wang Qiang immediately replied: "Sir, I can guarantee that we are definitely not involved in any theft! We are just performing security work conscientiously.

Zhang Xiao quickly echoed: "Yes, Mr. Detective, we are very loyal to the park. We have definitely not done anything illegal."

Liu Ming stood aside silently, seemingly unwilling to express his opinion.

…………Please give me flowers…………

Qi Lin observed their expressions and language, trying to catch any flaws. "Can you provide some evidence to prove your innocence?" he asked.

Wang Qiang said: "We have monitoring records every time we are on duty, which can prove that we have never left our posts."

Upon hearing this, Qi Lin's eyes flashed. "Then please take me to see these surveillance records."


The three of them looked at each other, obviously hesitant. But in the end they agreed to Qi Lin's request.

In the monitoring room, Wang Qiang turned on the computer and found relevant monitoring records. Qi Lin carefully observed the video of each time period, and he carefully looked for any suspicious signs.

Suddenly, he noticed a detail. Look at this!" He pointed to a scene on the screen. "Did you see it?"

Everyone nervously gathered in front of the screen. In the picture, Wang Qiang, Zhang Xiao and Liu Ming are all clearly visible standing at their posts and have never left.

"But, have you noticed?" Qi Lin pointed at one of the time periods and said. "This time period happened to be when the animal theft incident occurred, but you were unable to provide monitoring records."

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