The three of them were stunned and their faces turned pale. They were obviously caught in the act.

Qi Lin asked calmly: "What's going on? Why did you delete the monitoring records during that period?"

After a moment of silence, Liu Ming finally spoke: "We are not trying to steal animals, but we are being blackmailed."

"Blackmailed?" Qi Lin frowned.

Liu Ming explained: "Someone threatened to harm our family members if we did not delete the surveillance records from that period. We only did this to protect our loved ones."

Qi Lin took a deep breath. He understood the helplessness of the three security guards. "Can you tell me who's behind this?"

Wang Qiang hesitated for a moment, and then said: "We didn't know that the other party had been secretive and only communicated through anonymous emails."

Qi Lin decided to conduct further investigation on the anonymous email. He asked Wang Qiang, Zhang Xiao and Liu Ming to provide him with all relevant emails they had received in the past. The three of them immediately returned to the office

Get a thick stack of documents.

Qi Lin began to study these emails carefully, looking for any clues that could reveal the identity of the murderer. After reading several emails, he noticed a common feature: Each email was accompanied by a photo of an animal, but it was coded. This made Qi Lin unable to identify the type of animal.

Through further analysis, Qi Lin found that several locations and times were mentioned in the email. He decided to go to these places personally to investigate, hoping to solve the mystery. After discussing with Yang Ming, he arranged a secret operation.

The next day, Qi Lin and Yang Ming hid in a truck and headed to the first target location-an abandoned factory. According to the description in the email, this may be the center of animal trafficking.

When they arrived, Qi Lin immediately noticed some suspicious signs. There were several black trucks parked at the door, with no one around. They entered the factory cautiously and prepared to search.

In a corner of the factory, Qi Lin suddenly heard a slight movement. He quietly approached and found several people trading a coded animal.

"Don't move!" Qi Lin suddenly appeared in front of them, holding a pistol. "You have been surrounded!"

The murderers looked at Qi Lin in shock. They tried to escape, but were soon surrounded by other police officers...

Qi Lin looked at these people calmly and asked: "Are you the masterminds behind the animal trafficking? Why do you do such a thing?"

One of the murderers gritted his teeth and refused to speak. But the other person seemed a little panicked, and he finally spoke: "We were forced! Someone has our secret and threatened to harm our family. We only did this to protect them!"

Qi Lin's heart moved. This was very similar to what Wang Qiang, Zhang Xiao and Liu Ming said. He began to wonder if the people behind the scenes were related to these people.

After further investigation 3.6, Qi Lin finally discovered the true identity of the mastermind behind the scenes. It turned out that behind the animal trafficking was a huge gang organization. They used extortion and intimidation to control some park employees and forced them to participate in illegal transactions.

In subsequent actions, Qi Lin and the police successfully cracked down on the gang organization and rescued the trafficked animals. Wang Qiang, Zhang Xiao and Liu Ming were also protected, and their families were not harmed. .

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