"What's going on? Are they also Li Yu's subordinates?" Qi Lin wondered secretly.

He decided to continue observing and see clearly the identity and purpose of these people.

In the warehouse, Li Yu walked up to the team and said seriously: "Our plan is about to be completed. As long as you act according to the predetermined plan, everything will go smoothly. Remember, we cannot be discovered by anyone, otherwise The consequences could be disastrous!"

When Qi Lin heard this, his doubts deepened. He decided to follow these people and see what they were doing.

Qi Lin carefully followed the group of people out of the warehouse. They came to a forest on the outskirts and stopped in a remote corner.

Qi Lin hid in the trees and observed everything in front of him through the gaps between the leaves. He saw the group of people begin to dig a huge cave in the woods and take out a strange stone from the cave.

"What is this? Why do they value it so much?" Qi Lin was filled with doubts.

At this moment, a sound came from the cave, and a low and ancient voice said: "I've finally waited for you. This magic stone is where my power lies, and only through it can I obtain immortality. Now, I will Leave it to me!"

Qi Lin looked at the scene in front of him in shock. It turned out that all this was for this mysterious magic stone.

"Are Li Yu and his men working together? They used the pretense of cutting down trees to find the magic stone? Qi Lin was stunned.

He decided to take immediate action.

Qi Lin secretly mobilized backup communication equipment and contacted his assistant Xiaoling.

"Xiao Ling, immediately mobilize the police task force to this forest. We have discovered a major case! Qi Lin told Xiao Ling nervously.

Xiaoling responded quickly: "I understand, I will contact the police immediately. But please pay attention to safety and don't let them find you."

Qi Lin nodded and carefully continued to observe the situation in the cave.

Li Yu and his men carried the magic stone to an altar, and they began to perform a series of strange rituals. As the spell was recited, the magic stone emitted a strong wave of energy, and the surrounding air seemed to be distorted.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the cave, and a figure jumped out of the darkness and attacked Li Yu and his men.

"Who is this? Why are they here?" Qi Lin stared at this scene in shock.

That figure showed extraordinary strength and skill, and gained the upper hand in the fierce battle with Li Yu's men. Qi Lin suddenly realized that this mysterious figure was probably another detective with the same goal as him.

After a fierce battle, the mysterious detective successfully subdued Li Yu and his men and recaptured the magic stone. He smiled slightly at Qi Lin and then disappeared into the night.

Qi Lin hurriedly walked through the woods and came to the cave. He saw that the police task force had arrived at the scene, took Li Yu and his men away, and began investigation and evidence collection.

(Wang Zhao's) A few days later, in Qi Lin's office, he sat with Xiaoling and the police chief, Director Ding.

"This case of stealing trees was really a big mystery, but it was eventually solved." Director Ding said with emotion.

"Indeed, we discovered the fact that Li Yu illegally felled trees and sold them to the black market. In order to find the mysterious magic stone, he planned a series of plans and actions. Fortunately, we exposed their conspiracy in time." Qi Lin said. .

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