Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

562: Do You Still Remember The License Plate Number?

Director Ding nodded and expressed his appreciation to Qilin: "Your investigative ability and courage are admirable. We will completely solve this case and bring Li Yu to justice.

Xiaoling also added: "Yes, we have collected a large amount of evidence from Li Yu's men, which is enough to prove their crimes. At the same time, the identity of the mysterious detective needs further investigation to see if he is related to Li Yu."

"Good morning, Mr. Qi!" Xiaoling greeted with a smile.

"Good morning, Xiaoling. Are there any new cases?" Qi Lin asked, frowning slightly.

"Yes, Mr. Qi. We recently received a case about sewage discharge. According to reports, a factory was illegally discharging sewage, causing serious pollution to the surrounding environment. This has caused dissatisfaction and protests from local residents. "Xiao Ling explained to Qi 600 Lin.

"This case looks very serious. We need to take action as soon as possible to protect the environment and safeguard the interests of the public. Please collect all relevant evidence and information and find relevant witnesses. We need to thoroughly find out the truth and ensure that the criminals are punished There is a punishment." Qi Lin said firmly.

Xiaoling nodded and began to sort out the case materials. She contacted some witnesses and arranged for them to come to the office for interviews. Soon after [the tenth electric shocker walked into the calendar office in person.

"Hello, sir. I heard that you are investigating (chae) this sewage discharge case. I am a resident near the factory and have witnessed the discharge of wastewater from the factory." The 17 witness said nervously.

Qi Lin comforted him with a smile and handed him a glass of water. He asked gently: "Can you please describe in detail what happened? We need as much information as possible to help us solve this problem." 11

The witness sat down and drank some water, and then began to tell: "It happened a few weeks ago. I happened to be walking by the river near the factory that night. I saw a truck parked at the entrance of the factory, and a large amount of water was leaking from the truck. The black sewage flowed directly into the river. The sewage smelled very bad, so I called the police immediately."

"Can you remember the license plate number of the truck?" Qi Lin asked.

The witness thought hard for a moment and recalled: "I'm sorry, I only noticed that the color of the truck was blue, but I didn't see the license plate number clearly."

Qi Lin was secretly disappointed, but still remained patient. He knows the importance of this case and cannot give up because of a little setback.

Next, several witnesses came in to testify. While each provided some useful information, none had detailed license plate numbers or other specific details. This confused Qi Lin, but he did not give up.

During the investigation, Qi Lin discovered that there was a small repair shop near the factory, where blue trucks and black wastewater often appeared. He decided to investigate the workshop in depth to see if he could find more clues.

That night, Qi Lin and Xiaoling quietly came to the small repair shop. They wear casual clothes and try not to draw attention to themselves. Qi Lin pushed open the door of the workshop and found a busy scene inside. Workers were repairing various machinery and equipment, and a blue truck was parked nearby.

Qi Lin and Xiaoling approached slowly and paid attention to their surroundings. Suddenly, a tall man appeared in front of them. He looked like the person in charge of the workshop. .

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