"Who are you? Why did you break into my workshop?" the person in charge asked sternly.

Qi Lin replied calmly: "We are investigators and are conducting an investigation on sewage discharge. Witnesses said that they saw a blue truck related to your workshop. We need to verify this information."

The person in charge looked nervous, but he tried to stay calm: "I don't know what you are talking about, this is just an ordinary repair shop."

Qi Lin handed the person in charge a relevant document: "We have collected a lot of evidence, including eyewitness testimony and photos. If you have any behavior involving illegal discharge of sewage, it is best to admit it frankly, otherwise the consequences will be more serious ."

The person in charge's face turned pale, and he murmured in a low voice: "Yes, it's me. But I just want to survive, there is no other choice."

Qi Lin took a deep breath. Faced with this unexpected confession, he tried to understand the situation of the person in charge: "We can understand your plight, but the law cannot be violated. Sewage discharge has caused serious harm to the environment and residents, and we must take measures action."

During subsequent inquiries, the person in charge revealed more details about the illegal discharge of sewage. He claimed that the factory's production capacity had exceeded environmental protection requirements, and that he had no choice but to adopt this dangerous practice in order to reduce costs.

Qi Lin and Xiaoling recorded all testimonies and details and handed them over to relevant departments for processing. Subsequently, they went to the factory to conduct on-site investigations to ensure that the person in charge's confession was authentic and credible.

Through the investigation, they collected a large amount of evidence, including site photos, wastewater samples and factory records. This evidence clearly reveals the fact that the factory illegally discharged sewage

In court, Qi Lin appeared as the main witness and described the entire investigation process and the evidence collected in detail. The person responsible was convicted of a felony and ordered to pay a huge fine

to repair the damage caused by environmental pollution.

When Qi Lin came to the gallery, there was a strong atmosphere of oil paintings everywhere. The walls are covered with various famous paintings, the most eye-catching of which is the priceless Mona Lisa. It is said to be an authentic painting, but recently some people have questioned its authenticity. Qi Lin came here to solve this mystery.

The gallery owner, a middle-aged man with a gray beard, greeted Qi Lin anxiously. "Sir, this Mona Lisa is suspected to be a forgery. I hope you can find out the truth.

he said.

…………Please give me flowers…

Qi Lin observed the painting carefully, trying to figure out the mysterious aura it exuded. He then began questioning gallery employees and several other important art appraisers. During the conversation, he discovered that an appraiser had doubted the authenticity of the painting.


"Why do you suspect this painting is a forgery?" Qi Lin asked the appraiser named Li Xiaolin.

Li Xiaolin looked at his surroundings, lowered his voice and said, "Actually, I'm not sure whether this painting is real or fake, but there are a few details that make me confused. First of all, there are no marks or inscriptions on the back of this painting. , and most genuine famous paintings will have relevant records. Secondly, I found that the paint on the canvas uses a new type of paint that has only appeared in recent years, which makes me feel a little unusual."

Qi Lin nodded after hearing this, thinking secretly in his heart. He realizes that the case is far simpler than it seems and may involve deeper secrets. He decided to investigate further

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