After setting off from the gallery, Qi Lin began to investigate. He returned to the office, sorted out his thoughts, and began to look up historical information about the Mona Lisa.

He discovered that the Mona Lisa had experienced many turmoils over the past few hundred years, with reports of being robbed, loaned to museums for display, and even forged. The doubts this time have only surfaced recently.

Qi Lin decided to return to the gallery again and "Six Eight Seven" collected more evidence. He realized that there was too much unknown information in this case, and the key to solving the mystery was hidden in these unknowns.

When he stepped into the gallery again, he happened to catch up with a man in the gallery who was scolding the gallery owner: "You are so audacious, how dare you bring fakes."

Qi Lin stopped immediately and looked at the angry man. He quickly approached and tried to calm the situation.

"Sir, who are you? Why are you so angry at the gallery?" Qi Lin asked, knowing that this angry man might hold important clues related to the case.

The man replied breathlessly: "I am an art lover and a loyal follower of Mona Lisa. This painting has a special meaning in my heart. But when I looked at this painting carefully, I I found that some of its details did not match the characteristics of the original work. I felt that I had been deceived, so I decided to come here in person, the owner of Zhima Gallery!

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then said: "Sir, I am a detective and I am investigating the authenticity of this Mona Lisa. Can you tell me the discrepancies you noticed? 11

The man hesitated for a moment, then pointed to an obvious flaw in the painting and said: "First of all, the light and shadow in the eyes of this painting are handled strangely, which is inconsistent with other versions of the Mona Lisa. Secondly, the smile in the painting It looks a bit stiff and lacks any real sense of agility. Finally, I also noticed that there are some small untreated cracks in the canvas, which is very rare, especially for a priceless painting.

Qi Lin listened silently and sorted out the information in his mind. He began to think that the case might indeed involve a forgery. However, he also understood that this was not enough to confirm

The truth of the matter.

In order to better understand the authenticity of the painting, Qi Lin decided to inform the police about the matter and asked for help to investigate from a professional perspective... While waiting for the police to arrive, he continued to conduct in-depth research.

By further reviewing relevant information, Qi Lin discovered a key clue—the original version of the Mona Lisa. According to historical records, the Mona Lisa was created by Leonardo da Vinci himself, but the whereabouts of this version are still unknown. He began to wonder if the Mona Lisa displayed in the gallery was a forgery of this original version.

The police quickly arrived at the gallery, and Qi Lin brought them to the evidence he had compiled and explained his suspicions and findings in detail. The police showed strong interest in the case and decided to conduct an in-depth investigation.

In the next few days, the police and Qi Lin conducted a series of analyses, tests and 2.3 identifications. They brought in professional artists and chemists, as well as experts on Leonardo da Vinci's works.

After many repeated experiments and comparisons, they finally came to a shocking conclusion - the Mona Lisa displayed in the gallery was indeed a forgery! All indications to Pei Ming were that this painting was made in recent years. Produced within ten years, rather than an original from Leonardo's time. .

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