The police immediately launched further investigation and targeted the gallery owner. Qi Lin conducted a detailed search of the gallery together with the police, and they discovered a hidden studio filled with art supplies and materials needed to make paintings.

The gallery owner was taken to the police station for questioning. Under strict cross-examination, he finally admitted that he had hired a professional forger to make the Mona Lisa. In pursuit of profit and fame, he chose to take risks.

Qi Lin interrogated the gallery owner, trying to explore the motives and more details behind it. Among them, the gallery owner revealed a surprising news - he had received an anonymous letter claiming that he owned 27 original versions of the Mona Lisa and planned to make them public. In order to protect their own interests, gallery owners had to take this extreme action.

Detective Qi Lin sat in the office, rubbing his temples tiredly. The day's work was coming to an end, and the sound of his mouse clicks echoed in the silent air from time to time.

Suddenly, the phone rang, interrupting his thoughts. He reached out to pick up the phone and said slightly tiredly: "Qilin Detective Agency."

"Hello, Mr. Qi? I have a smuggling case that needs your help." An anxious and deep voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Please tell me the details." Qi Lin asked alertly.

"Here's the thing, we recently discovered a batch of smuggled jewelry, but the suspects' whereabouts were elusive and we couldn't catch them. We heard that you are the most powerful detective, so we asked you to help."

"Okay, I understand. Please send relevant information to my email." Qi Lin took out his notebook and prepared to record the details of the case.

A few minutes later, the email arrived in Qi Lin's mailbox. He opened the attachment and browsed the case information. The case is indeed difficult. The smuggling group is large in scale and widely distributed, and their criminal methods are also quite hidden.

The next morning, Qi Lin came to the scene of the crime to conduct on-site investigation. He carefully observed his surroundings, looking carefully for any traces that could provide clues. Suddenly, a piece of paper with strange markings caught his attention. He carefully picked up the piece of paper and put it into a sealed bag.

After returning to the office, Qi Lin began to conduct an in-depth analysis of the case. He studied the historical records of the smuggling group, reviewed relevant legal provisions and the detection process of similar cases in the past. He scanned the case information with sharp eyes, trying to find clues hidden in it.

A few days later, Qi Lin received an anonymous letter detailing a possible secret hideout for a smuggling group. He immediately decided to go to the place to investigate.

When Qi Lin 323 came to the remote warehouse, he noticed several suspicious figures wandering around. He approached warily, trying to hear their conversation.

"This batch of jewelry is our biggest winner. As long as we sell them successfully, we will become rich overnight!" A deep voice passed into Qi Lin's ears.

"But we can't relax, the police have begun to suspect us. We must get out of here as soon as possible." Another person said.

Qi Lin immediately realized that this was their opportunity to evacuate quickly. He decided to follow them in order to find more evidence and capture the entire smuggling group. .

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