After a fierce chase, Qi Lin finally intercepted the suspect in an abandoned factory. The two sides launched a tense confrontation.

Qi Lin stared at the suspect in front of him, his heart full of nervousness and vigilance. He knew that this duel was related to the successful resolution of the entire case.

"You have been surrounded, put down your weapons and surrender!" Qi Lin shouted in a firm and steady voice.

The suspect's eyes flashed with disdain, but soon turned indifferent. "Do you think you can stop us? You don't understand our power and the supporters at all." He said sarcastically.

Qi Lin responded calmly: "No matter how you hide, I will find you and bring you to justice. Now, put down your weapons!"

The suspect suddenly threw a smoke bomb at Qi Lin and quickly hid in the thick smoke. Qi Lin took action immediately, quickly passed through the smoke, and searched for the target in the warehouse.

He used his extraordinary insight and detective skills to quickly locate the target. He approached cautiously, preparing to launch a surprise attack. Suddenly, he felt someone attacking him from behind.

At the critical moment, Qi Lin grabbed the suspect's wrist and quickly subdued him. Upon seeing this, other suspects surrendered one after another.

The police arrived at the scene quickly and escorted all the suspects away. Qi Lin's task was completed and he was satisfied with the performance of himself and his team.

A few days later, at a court hearing, the evidence clearly revealed the crimes of the entire smuggling group.

The murder occurred in a wealthy family, and the deceased was the hostess of the family. She was found lying on the floor of her bedroom with a sharp dagger stuck behind her.

Qi Lin sat down, picked up the case file on the table and began to study it. He skimmed through several pages but was still confused. He needs more clues to solve this complex mystery.

Just then, the office door opened. A young and beautiful woman walked in. She looked a little nervous.

"Hello, I'm Qi Lin. How can I help you?" Qi Lin asked.

"I am the victim's sister, and I heard that you are a very good detective. I hope you can find the murderer and seek justice for my sister," the woman said.

"Please tell me more about your sister." Qi Lin said, turning on the tape recorder and starting to record the conversation.

"My sister's name is Lin Xue. She is a very kind and enthusiastic person. She has a rich husband and they live a very happy life. However, in recent months, they often quarrel over trivial matters. My sister once told me , she felt that her husband had become indifferent to her. "The woman recalled.

"Do these quarrels involve money issues?" Qi Lin asked.

"Well, I heard that they have some financial problems, but I don't know the specific details. I can help you investigate this situation." The woman replied.

"Okay, then you (Nuo Hao) first help me find their latest bank statements and financial records. I need to find out whether there are financial disputes between them as soon as possible." Qi Lin instructed.

The woman nodded and left the office. Qi Lin sat in a chair and thought about the key points of the case. If the murderer is Lin Xue's husband, the motive may be related to financial issues. However, there are other possibilities to consider.

Soon after, the woman returned to the office and handed Qi Lin a layer of documents. .

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