Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

568: You Are The Only One With Experience

Back in the office, Qi Lin continued to analyze this newly discovered clue. The handwriting on the message appears hasty and anxious, suggesting that the person who left the message may have been an insider.

He decided to re-examine all evidence related to the case and conduct face-to-face interrogations with other key figures. By talking to the family's servants, neighbors, and friends of Lin Xue's husband, Qi Lin gradually pieced together a more complete picture.

After many interrogations and investigations, Qi Lin finally gathered enough evidence to reveal the truth of this complex murder case.

During an important face-to-face interrogation, Lin Xue had an in-depth conversation with Lin Xue's husband.

"I have already obtained a lot of evidence, and you have nowhere to escape. Tell me the truth!" Qi Lin asked in a stern tone.

Lin Xue's husband sat on a chair with a solemn expression. After some silence, he finally spoke.

"Yes, I admit it. I once made financial mistakes. In order to make up for the shortfall, I transferred funds and hid them in offshore accounts. However, Lin Xue discovered my secret! She threatened to call the police Expose me. I was afraid that she would bring me more trouble so I...I lost control. I killed her. Lin Xue's husband confessed with fear.

Qi Lin's face showed a hint of sadness and helplessness. Although the case was resolved, the result was still a huge blow to Lin Xue's family.

Detective Qi Lin received an anonymous call informing him of clues about a commercial espionage case. He quickly packed up his tools and notebooks, left the office, and headed to the crime scene. This is the headquarters of a large technology company and is believed to be at the center of the case. Qi Lin entered the building, had a brief exchange with the security personnel, and went directly to Zhao Feng, the police officer in charge of the case.

Zhao Feng is an experienced police officer with an in-depth understanding of commercial crimes. Qi Lin showed him his ID and introduced himself as a private detective. After listening to his self-introduction, Zhao Feng showed a trace of doubt.

"Are you a private detective? Our police are already investigating this case. Do you think you can be of any help?" Zhao Feng asked.

Qi Lin smiled and replied: "Mr. Police Officer, I have extensive experience in commercial crimes, and my investigation methods may be different from yours. Maybe I can look at this case from another angle and provide some new perspectives and clues." If you are willing, let us cooperate.

…………Please give me flowers…

Zhao Feng hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, since you have experience, let's try it. I will provide you with relevant information on the case. But please remember, this is a very sensitive case, we need Make sure nothing is leaked during the investigation and the rights of others cannot be infringed upon.


Qi Lin nodded solemnly and accepted Zhao Feng's request. Together they entered the crime scene, a highly secured room.

Zhao Feng showed Qi Lin some evidence, including computer files, communication records and company internal surveillance videos. The evidence showed that confidential information within the company was stolen and transferred to certain competitors. Commercial spies are likely to lurk inside the company and use technical means to obtain confidential information.

"We have conducted a preliminary investigation on internal personnel of the company, but no obvious clues have been found. We suspect the possibility of collusion between them, but there is a lack of direct evidence." Zhao Feng explained. .

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