Qi Lin thought for a moment, and then asked: "Can you provide a list of people within the company? I would like to start with this.

Zhao Feng handed him a list, which listed the name, position and contact information of every employee in the company. Qi Lin read the list carefully and screened out several possible suspects in his mind.

He decided to first find an employee named Chen Ming for an interview, because Chen Ming was a member of the company's "667" internal network security team and had higher authority and technical capabilities.

When Qi Lin came to Chen Ming's office, he found that he was working overtime to deal with some computer problems.

"Mr. Chen, do you have time? I am Qi Lin, the detective responsible for investigating commercial espionage cases."

Chen Ming raised his head and saw Qi Lin walking into the office, his expression a little nervous. He stopped what he was doing and looked at Qi Lin.

"Mr. Detective, is this an investigation of a commercial espionage case?" Chen Ming asked, with a hint of uneasiness in his voice.

Qi Lin smiled and nodded: "Yes, Mr. Chen. I believe you have heard that confidential information within our company has been stolen, so I would like to conduct an interview with you to understand some relevant circumstances."

Chen Ming's face relaxed a little, and he motioned to Qi Lin to sit down.

"Excuse me, what is your position in the company? Have you ever come into contact with the company's sensitive data and network systems?" Qi Lin began to ask.

Chen Ming replied: "I am the company's network security engineer, responsible for protecting the company's network system and data security. My work scope does involve some sensitive data.

Qi Lin thought for a moment, and then continued to ask: "In the past few months, have you noticed any unusual network activities or discovered that someone is trying to illegally obtain the company's confidential information?"

Chen Ming frowned. After thinking for a moment, he replied: "Actually, there have been some abnormalities recently. Our network system suffered an unknown attack a few months ago. Although we tried our best to protect the security of the data, The possibility that someone successfully obtained sensitive information cannot be completely ruled out.”

When Qi Lin heard this, he felt a sense of alarm in his heart. "Can you provide more details about that attack? When the attack occurred, the attack method, the scope of the affected data, etc..." he asked.

Chen Ming hesitated for a moment, but still replied: "The attack occurred about three months ago. At that time, we found that an employee's account had been hacked, and the hacker tried to obtain the company's confidential information through the account. We took urgent measures Measures have been taken to block relevant accounts and repair the exploited vulnerabilities, but the specific scope of affected data still requires further investigation."

Qi Lin became very interested in this matter. "Please provide me with information about the employee who was attacked. I would like to conduct an interview with him." He requested.

Chen Ming nodded, opened the computer, extracted a file, and handed it to Qi Lin. The file indicates that the employee's name is Zhang Yun, and he is a senior engineer in the company's R&D department.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Chen." Qi Lin stood up, thanked him and left the office. He knew that he needed to have a careful conversation with Zhang Yun next to learn more about the case.

Soon after, Qi Lin came to the R&D department and found Zhang Yun's office. He opened the door and saw Zhang Yun studying a document intently. .

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