Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

569: Provide The Names Of Your Colleagues

"Mr. Zhang, I am Qi Lin, the detective responsible for investigating commercial espionage cases. I would like to talk to you about the recent attacks. 11

Zhang Yun raised his head and saw Qi Lin standing at the door, his eyes flashing and his expression a little nervous.

"Mr. Detective, why did you come to see me?" Zhang Yun asked, with a hint of caution in his voice.

Qi Lin walked into the office with a smile and sat on the chair opposite Zhang Yun. He stared at Zhang Yun, trying to feel his emotions.

"Mr. Zhang, our company's network system has been attacked, and your account has been hacked. I would like to ask you to recall the situation at that time and tell me any information related to the case." Qi Lin said calmly 27 said in a tone of voice.

Zhang Yun breathed a sigh of relief, but still remained vigilant. "Yes, I remember that incident. About three months ago, my account was hacked by an unknown hacker. I was working in the R&D department at the time and suddenly received a suspicious email. After clicking on it, my computer experienced abnormalities. Situation. Later, I lost control of my computer and hackers used my account to try to obtain confidential company information.

Qi Lin listened carefully and recorded the key information. "Do you still remember the content or sender of this suspicious email? And what is the confidential information that the hacker obtained without any attempt?" he asked.

Zhang Yun frowned and thought back: "The email claimed to be an important project document and needed me to check it immediately. The sender's email address was strange and did not look like an internal employee of the company. As for the confidential information the hackers were trying to obtain, I can’t confirm the specific content, but I believe it involves some new technologies and plans from the R&D department.”

Qi Lin felt that these clues were very important, "Thank you for providing this information, Mr. Zhang. We will investigate further. In addition to your account being hacked, have you noticed any other suspicious behavior or anything related to the case? matter?"

Zhang Yun thought for a moment and replied: "Actually, in the past few months, I have noticed that some colleagues behave strangely, act mysteriously, and often have contact with unknown people outside of work. Although I can't Not sure if they were related to espionage, but these circumstances certainly alarmed me.

Qi Lin also became very interested in this information. "Please provide the names of some relevant colleagues and details of suspicious activities in which they may be involved," he requested.

Zhang Yun thought for a moment and handed Qi Lin a list of names and suspected suspicious behaviors of several colleagues.

"Thank you very much for your assistance, Mr. Zhang. Your information will be of great help to our investigation." Qi Lin stood up and thanked Zhang Yun before leaving the 347 office. Now, he has grasped more clues that need further analysis and sorting.

Back at the police station, Qi Lin shared the information he got from Chen Ming and Zhang Yun with Zhao Feng. Together, the two launched an investigation into the suspicious colleague and began to sort out the timeline and relevant evidence in the case.

Today, Qi Lin received an anonymous phone call, and the voice revealed key clues to a hit-and-run case. Qi Lin, who immediately launched an investigation, made an important discovery by analyzing the traces left at the scene and the descriptions of witnesses: the color and model of the vehicle responsible for the accident. .

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