The next morning, Qi Lin summoned his assistant Qu Feng to discuss further action plans.

"Qu Feng, we need to lock the vehicle that caused the accident as soon as possible, otherwise it may disappear into the crowd." Qi Lin said.

Qu Feng nodded, took out a map, and began to mark the locations of surveillance cameras around the incident site. "Based on the current clues, we can speculate that the vehicle involved in the accident most likely fled the city center. We need to find nearby camera records to see if there are any related vehicles.

Qi Lin carefully examined the marked points on the map, thinking about his next move. "Okay, let's start with the nearest cameras to see if we can find any traces of the vehicle. In addition, we will contact the traffic management department to check whether there are any vehicles matching our clues in nearby repair shops and parking lots."

Qu Feng immediately recorded Qi Lin's instructions and prepared to set off to carry out the mission.

A few hours later, Qu Feng returned to the office with a stack of surveillance videos. "Qi Lin, I found some suspicious video clips~." He said excitedly.

Qi Lin watched the videos intently. In one of the videos, he found a car whose color and shape matched the vehicle involved in the accident. "This is it, we found it!" Qi Lin said excitedly.

Next, Qi Lin and Qu Feng conducted a detailed investigation of the vehicle. Through the car owner's information, they learned that the vehicle was owned by a resident named Li Ming. During further investigation, Qi Lin discovered that Li Ming had been arrested for drunk driving and had a history of fleeing the scene of the accident.

Subsequently, Qi Lin decided to go to Li Ming's residence to conduct a search. They found a broken headlight and some blood, evidence that further confirmed the identity of the vehicle involved.

When Qi Lin was about to arrest Li Ming, Qu Feng reminded: "Qi Lin, we need to make sure there is enough evidence to support the charges. Otherwise, he may be acquitted."

Qi Lin nodded and said thoughtfully: "You are right, we need more evidence. Let us go back to the scene again and look for other clues that may have been ignored."

After further analysis and investigation, Qi Lin discovered an important clue.

Qi Lin found a vague tire mark on the road surrounding the accident scene. He immediately convened ten specialized technical teams to conduct further analysis.

After careful observation and measurement, the technical team confirmed that these tire marks matched the vehicle driven by Li Ming. At the same time, they also determined the path of the vehicle involved in the accident to escape the scene by calculating the depth and direction of the marks.

With this new evidence, Qi Lin and Qu Feng decided to go to Li Ming's residence again, preparing to take him back to the police station for interrogation.

However, when they arrived at Li Ming's residence, they found that he had disappeared. Some scattered items and a note were left in the room. Qi Lin took the note and it said

"You found me, Qian Zhao's) but I won't be caught by you!"

Qi Lin frowned, knowing that the suspect Li Ming might have realized that his whereabouts had been tracked, so he took measures to escape. He immediately ordered Qufeng to retrieve nearby surveillance videos, hoping to find clues to Li Ming's departure.

A few hours later, Qu Feng returned to the office with a happy face. "Qi Lin, I found a surveillance video showing Li Ming taking a taxi and leaving the city. #


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