Qi Lin quickly watched the video, and through the taxi's license plate number, they successfully tracked Li Ming's destination, an abandoned warehouse. In order to ensure smooth operation

-Qi Lin convened a selected police special operations team to prepare for the final arrest operation.

Under the cover of night, Qi Lin and the SWAT team quietly approached the warehouse. They formulated a detailed combat plan and narrowed the encirclement circle to the smallest range.

After breaking into the warehouse, they quickly dispersed and began searching. Following the sound of low footsteps, Qi Lin turned around suddenly and saw Li Ming trying to escape. 783

"Li Ming, you are desperate! Put down your weapons and surrender!" Qi Lin shouted loudly.

Li Ming looked around nervously and realized that he was trapped. He put down his weapons and raised his hands in surrender.

"You can't catch me! I have the right to remain silent!" Li Ming said through gritted teeth.

Qi Lin approached Li Ming and said calmly: "Li Ming, we have enough evidence to charge you. Now it is time for you to confess your crime and cooperate with the investigation.

During the subsequent interrogation, Li Ming finally admitted (chee) to his crime of hit-and-run. He explained that he was in panic and anxiety at the time and instinctively chose to escape after hearing the sirens.

This is a building that has been completely engulfed by fire, and black smoke is still rising. He took a deep breath and began to investigate every corner carefully.

Just as Qi Lin squatted down to inspect a pile of ashes, a slight cough came from behind him. He turned his head and saw a young female police officer standing there with admiration and admiration for him in the light.

"Mr. Qi, I'm Li Ruo. I just graduated from the police academy. It's an honor to work with you to solve this case." Li Ruo said.

"Are you also the supervisor of this case?" Qi Lin asked, looking at her with a little doubt.

"Yes, I received orders from my superiors to cooperate with your work." Li Nuo replied.

Qi Lin nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, we have to start the analysis from the beginning. First, we need to collect all possible clues and any information related to the case

They began to search for evidence at the scene. Qi Lin carefully observed every detail and recorded it meticulously. As time passed, they found a burnt piece of paper

There are still some writings on it.

"Li Ruo, help me save this piece of paper. I think it may be very important." Qi Lin handed her the piece of paper and continued to search for other clues.

A few hours later, Qi Lin and Li Ruo summarized their investigation results in the police car.

"We found very few clues, but I believe this case is not simple." Qi Lin said in a low voice.

"Yes, Mr. Qi. I also feel that there seems to be a bigger conspiracy hidden behind this arson case." Li Ruo replied with a solemn expression.

"We need more information, especially the history and people related to this building." Qi Lin thought about the next action plan.

At this moment, Li Ruo's cell phone rang. She answered the phone and became nervous.

"Mr. Qi, someone anonymously called the police station just now, claiming to know the truth about the arson case. He said he is willing to meet with you, but the condition is that Song can meet alone." Li Ruo said.

After Qi Lin thought for a moment, he decided to accept this restriction. .

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